Daily Sabah (Turkey)

Xenophobic attacks increasing in Europe

- Ozan Ceyhun

According to a study conducted by Coburg University at the request of the Bertelsman­n Foundation in Germany, “Germany needs 260,000 immigrants until 2060.” Each year, 146,000 have to be from countries outside the European Union. The German economy, which has a shrinking workforce, needs a constant flow of immigrants. Today in Germany, especially in the field of constructi­on, this shortage is being felt. Due to the good economy, constructi­on companies have enough jobs to last them for 3 years. However, they are unable to find enough workers. Thus, projects either have impediment­s or they are not started as planned. Across the EU, auctions usually solve this problem. Not just Germany, but also many EU member states need qualified workers or workers that can be trained in many business fields; this need is growing. In 2015, the massive influx of Syrian refugees in the EU was a big problem for many EU member states. In particular, concerning refugees coming from the Balkans on foot, many EU member states were “baffled.” Today due to the “refugee deal” signed with Turkey and thanks to Turkey, the EU does not have such a problem. However, there is a clear need for profession­ally organized migration. An EU-wide proper migration law for annual processing is needed for migrants from outside the EU. It is good up to this point. However, an insufficie­nt workforce is not the only problem for the EU economy, rising racism is also a very important problem. Migrants needed for the economy have ever rising concerns for their wellbeing and lives. And they are right. A recent event in the capital of Germany, Berlin, is an example. In the Hellers dorf district of Berlin, a 12-year-old child was attacked on a sports field because he was a “foreigner.” A 12-year-old Berliner was asked “Whether he is a foreigner or not?” and “subjected to racist behaviors” by a group of people, then he was pushed to the ground and kicked; when he told his mother of this event, the Berlin police became aware. Now the police are looking for the racist attackers. Again in Berlin’s Neukölln district, a 12-year-old “cloistered” girl was attacked by a “racist woman.” The woman tried to forcibly take off the girl’s scarf but was not content with this. She also attempted to thrust a blood-filled syringe into the little girl and threatened the girl with “tear gas spray.” Due to these attacks, the girl suffered minor injuries. Again in Berlin, where all of these attacks happened, in the Marzahn district, a racist attacked two Syrian girls, aged 15 and 16. The racist thug insulted the girls, saying, “Dirty foreigners, take off your scarves and get out!” He also punched the girls in the face. The girls were injured and have been taken under care. A police investigat­ion of these three events is ongoing. Federal government counselor in Berlin of Palestinia­n descendant, Sawsan Chebli, said: “If Muslim girls are being attacked due to their scarves, we can no longer call this xenophobia. This is hostility towards Islam and racism towards Islam.” He is correct. Across the EU, the main target of rising racism and racist attacks are Muslims. In Berlin, in just a single weekend, three attacks were perpetrate­d. Unfortunat­ely, across the EU the police are unaware of the majority of such attacks. Many victims are unable to make a case due to fear. I understand their fear. According to a study, in the new European Parliament elections to be held May 23 and May 26, the third strongest group in the assembly is expected to be farright parties. Such a situation no longer surprises us. Far-right parties hunting for votes with racist slogans are a part of ruling political bodies in Italy, Austria and Finland due to coalitions. In the EU, we can even see a far-right politician becoming an Italian Domestic Affairs Minister. In many national assemblies, far-right parties hold powerful positions. In Europe, racism and racist attacks are a big threat to the European economy. If racism cannot be contained, the EU will no longer be an appealing spot for migrants. The time for guarding democracy in Europe and the EU is nigh. All democrats should work together against racism and racist attacks. We hope God ensures that they succeed.

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