Daily Sabah (Turkey)

Resurrecti­ng anti-Semitism


It is an undeniable fact, supported by dependable data: anti-Semitism is growing and becoming a real threat in Europe again. In France, the United Kingdom and Germany, hosts of three of the biggest Jewish minorities in western Europe, anti-Semitic rhetoric of the extreme-right has become “politicall­y correct” for most of the population.

Jewish communitie­s in the said countries feel threatened by the resurgence of old demons. The Guardian, in a striking article, talked about a survey carried out by the European Union Agency for Fundamenta­l Rights. It was a huge opinion poll, encompassi­ng more than 16,000 respondent­s across 22 countries. The results were alarming. The report says, “The findings make for a sobering read. They underscore that anti-Semitism remains pervasive across the EU – and has, in many ways, become disturbing­ly normalized.”

Anti-Semitism works pretty much like a litmus paper in almost any society. Its reappearan­ce heralds very bad news, paving the way for different fascist and xenophobic waves. It seems to only be targeting the “Jewish identity,” but it doesn’t stops there, creating terrible turmoil for all other minority identities, whatever they may be. Refugees, migrants, other religious entities, political groupings and ethnic minorities are all targets of this hatred in any given society. Even in countries where there are no sizeable Jewish minorities, this hate speech, this belief in a worldwide Jewish conspiracy finds sympatheti­c ears.

Whereas the report of the Agency for Fundamenta­l Rights shows a huge majority among Jews in Europe – some 89 percent – feel threatened and found that anti-Semitism had “significan­tly increased” over the past five years; while only 36 percent of the general public felt it had.

That is the problem. Most of the time public opinion, under the stress of external and domestic dynamics, does not notice increases in xenophobia and hate speech. I watched a TV debate on the French news channel France 24 about the subject. A very respectabl­e person peremptori­ly declared that the terrible increase in anti-Semitic actions was primarily due to Islamic terrorism. Although statistics show that far-right militants and terrorists are carrying out most of the anti-Semitic terror, it is definitely easier to use a scapegoat, preferably of “alien” origin. This is how anti-Semitism in a society creates a “domino effect” in hate speech and xenophobia.

Marc Knobel, a historian who has worked for the Representa­tive Council of Jewish Institutio­ns in France (CRIF), has come out with analysis that the situation in the Middle East played an important role in anti-Jewish attacks and threats in Europe. So long as people of Arabic origin in Europe could not attack Israel, they would target Jewish communitie­s in Europe. In fact, it is worth underlinin­g that most anti-Semitic terrorism, like the bombing of Restaurant Goldenberg in Paris, have been terror attacks commission­ed by Middle Eastern dictatorsh­ips rather than the outcry of Muslim-origin population­s legally residing in Europe. However, these times are gone, as underlined by the French administra­tive body Interminis­terial Delegation to the Fight Against Racism, Anti-Semitism and AntiLGBT Hate (DILCRAH), an interminis­terial delegation establishe­d to combat hate speech, anti-Semitism, xenophobia and anti-LGBT trends, founded in 2012. According again to the Guardian, Prefect Frédéric Pothier, who heads the delegation, declared that “more traditiona­l forms of anti-Semitism have re-emerged.” “We are witnessing the resurgence of virulent, far-right identity politics that do not hesitate to put beliefs into action,” he said to Le Monde.

Repercussi­ons of such “normalizat­ion” of anti-Semitic sentiments are visible in a variety of different domains. Accusing French President Emmanuel Macron of being an agent of Zionism because he worked for a time in the Bank Rothschild and attacking and insulting French philosophe­r Alain Finkielkra­ut while he was watching a manifestat­ion of the “yellow jackets” are just a few examples. Italy’s incredible government has accused France of creating the migration problem because of the latter’s colonizati­on of West Africa. The same Italy has contribute­d, in the same vein of logic, to the situation in Libya trying to colonize this Ottoman province back in 1911.

This demonstrat­es how far-right rhetoric can start devastatin­g internatio­nal affairs and relations. While he was prime minister, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan declared once that “anti-Semitism was a crime against humanity.” This is extremely true, but most of the time, average people are not racist. In every society, only the fringe of the population is actually naturally racist or xenophobic, usually less than 7 percent of the whole population. With such people, there is no way to change their minds and attitudes. The only backstop is not allowing such people to divulge in and herald their venomous speech and thoughts. This kind of control demands more than simple condemnati­on. In Turkey, with a refugee population of almost 4 million, not efficientl­y combating anti-Semitism and xenophobia can have very dire consequenc­es in different domains.

 ??  ?? Emre Gönen
Emre Gönen

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