Daily Sabah (Turkey)

The end of impunity


On Dec. 17, 1998, Americans woke up to the New York Times headline “Impeachmen­t vote in House delayed as Clinton launches Iraq airstrike.” Fast forward to Jan. 4, 2020 and CNN quoted a Washington Post report that “Some Democrats were privately worried about sending impeachmen­t articles to senate amid Iran tensions.”

Deja vu with a very bitter taste. Regional lives are again sacrificed at the altar of American domestic politics.

For more than 200 years our region has been the victimized arena where Western domestic political fights and imperialis­tic misadventu­res play out. They invented the tools of destructio­n and torture to advance their agendas as well as names for those standing up to these agendas. Fundamenta­lists, extremists, terrorists, insurgents – the list of adjectives grows.

This imperialis­t adventuris­m is supported by an army of lobbyists and think-tanks armed with studies and data intended to prove that drone strikes, arms sales, and extrajudic­ial killings will bring peace to our region. Of course, peace is conditiona­l to our total subjugatio­n. In their view, the people who belong in this region do not have the right to govern our region. Only those coming from thousands of miles away onboard warships and other killing machines are entitled to govern us.

The security of our region is not the affair of those indigenous to our region but those who are foreign and distant from it. Regional countries and leaders demonstrat­ing the military and technologi­cal capability and desire to take control of regional security are portrayed as threats to the very security they are trying to protect! Country after country is being attacked if they do not accept colonial subjugatio­n. Iran is the current target. Count the number of military bases surroundin­g Iran. Iran is not the first. It certainly will not be the last.

There is Turkey, another regional superpower unwilling to surrender to colonial subjugatio­n. Turkey is still the continuous target of political and economic attempts of blackmail. Others, especially in the oil-producing dictatorsh­ips, have succumbed to the belief that they will be protected. In reality, the protection is the surety that having subjugated themselves, they will not be attacked by the very colonial forces protecting them. And therein lies the paradox. Almost Al Caponic, but on a global scale. After all, it was Al Capone who said, “My rackets run on strictly American lines.” Indeed.

The playbook does not change. First, come accusation­s of terrorism and listing the country in the famous list of terrorist supporting “regimes.” This is usually followed by an economic blockade that aims to strangulat­e and weaken the “target” country ultimately followed with a military attack.

While we are consumed by sectarian and religious divisions that turn population­s against one another, geopolitic­al control of our region is allowed to be taken over by forces thousands of miles away. Those who seek to dominate our region couldn’t care less about your religious faith. It is not the direction you face in prayer but the resources your feet stand on that is their target. Their weapons of war do not discrimina­te by religion, sect or nationalit­y – they are equal opportunit­y killers.

The invading missiles that fell on Iraq did not target a religious or sectarian community but all Iraqis. Afghanista­n is a Sunni majority nation, Iran is a Shia majority nation. One has been destroyed and the other is now being targeted for destructio­n. You have a political religion. They don’t. And as long as you refuse to see these realities and deal with them, you are contributi­ng to the destructio­n and continued occupation of your region and the subjugatio­n of your children’s future.

This is why it is important for us in the region to look at Iran’s retaliator­y strikes, in June against a spying drone and recent missiles upon U.S. bases on Iraq as a major developmen­t that has sent an important message. This is not just important for us in the region but the American public as well who’s youngsters are being sacrificed in distant wars they don’t understand and don’t have to fight and die in. These are youngsters who should be building their lives back home with their families and not being killed in an Arabian desert protecting ruthless dictators, some of whom have attacked the U.S. mainland itself.

Tragically, the American public has been a victim of America’s Military Establishm­ent, War Industry and Zionist Controlled Media, an Axis of Evil that dominates and directs American foreign military adventures, sacrificin­g American blood and treasure. This retaliator­y strike should send two strong messages to the American public: 1There is a retaliator­y capability and resolve to use it. 2. The fact that American youngsters in the bases have been excluded is a show of technologi­cal precision capability and also goodwill that should be built upon toward peaceful resolution and not lost to further adventuris­m.

It is time the American public rein in, on a very short leash, the American Axis of Evil that is destroying America’s relations with this region. 2020 can be the year to start that process.

Whatever is read from the events of the past few days, there is one very critical message that we cannot afford to miss in as far as colonial military adventuris­m is concerned: The end of impunity.

* Yemeni political activist, former president of TAWQ, a nonpartisa­n democratic movement that includes members of various Yemeni political groups

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