Daily Sabah (Turkey)

Turkey joins global outcry over disproport­ionate use of force


TURKEY on Sunday denounced Myanmar security forces’ harsh response to civilians protesting the military’s seizure of power, in which at least 18 people were killed.

“We observe with deep concern that the stability in Myanmar is deteriorat­ing after the coup d’etat on Feb. 1, 2021. In this context, we strongly condemn the disproport­ionate use of force by the security forces against peaceful protesters causing the loss of many civilian lives today (28 February),” the foreign ministry said in a statement.

Ankara also called for the necessary steps to be immediatel­y taken for the restoratio­n of democracy in order to provide peace and stability, calling for an immediate cessation of violence against the peaceful protestors.

U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres also strongly condemned the crackdown, calling the use of lethal force against peaceful protesters and arbitrary arrests “unacceptab­le,” and expressed serious concern at the increase in deaths and serious injuries, U.N. spokespers­on Stephane Dujarric said. “The secretary-general urges the internatio­nal community to come together and send a clear signal to the military that it must respect the will of the people of Myanmar as expressed through the election and stop the repression,” Dujarric said, as Reuters reported.

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken criticized “abhorrent violence” by security forces, while Canada’s foreign minister, Marc Garneau, called the military’s use of lethal force “appalling”.

Tom Andrews, U.N. special rapporteur on human rights in Myanmar, said it was clear the junta’s assault would continue so the internatio­nal community should ratchet up its response.

He proposed a global arms embargo and sanctions on the military’s businesses.

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