Daily Sabah (Turkey)

US-backed YPG building cells to hold civilian detainees in Syria


THE PKK terrorist group’s Syrian branch YPG is building cells to hold civilian detainees in tunnels it is digging in northern Syria’s Manbij and Ain al-Arab regions, according to local sources.

Despite promises by both the United States and Russia on the YPG/PKK terrorist group to withdraw 30 kilometers (18.6 miles) from Turkey’s southern border, the terrorist group continues to dig tunnels in the cities of Manbij and Ain al-Arab, which it continues to occupy in northern Syria. Footage by Anadolu Agency (AA) teams on the ground showed that tunnels were dug 4 meters (13 feet) under the ground.

The tunnels, about 2 meters deep and 1 meter wide, are connected to each other and have excavation tools, cells, crenelated doors, ventilatio­n gaps and power lines.

Terrorists are also using civilians they detain to conduct the illegal tunnel excavation works, according to local sources. The tunnels, running hundreds of kilometers in different regions that the YPG/PKK occupied in northern Syria, are also being reinforced with concrete against air attacks.

YPG/PKK terrorists still threaten the secure atmosphere of the safe regions with their terrorist attacks in northern Syria.

The terrorist group mostly carries out attacks in Manbij, Ain Al-Arab and the Tal Rifaat district of Aleppo. The group even uses these regions as bases for its attacks.

The terrorist organizati­on, which occupied around one-third of Syria’s territory with support from the United States, often targets Azaz, Marea, al-Bab, Jarablus, Afrin, Tal Abyad and Ras al-Ain in northern Syria with heavy weapons.

Terrorists also often target Turkish security forces that provide security in the Euphrates Shield, Olive Branch, and Peace Spring operation areas, and try to infiltrate the positions of Syrian opposition fighters from regions that the terrorist group was supposed to withdraw from under the agreements with the United States and Russia.

After chairing a Cabinet meeting in the capital Ankara last Monday, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said: “We will soon take new steps on the incomplete portions of the project we launched on the 30-kilometer safe zone we establishe­d along our southern border.”

Erdoğan said the operation would be launched as soon as the military, intelligen­ce and security forces have completed their preparatio­ns.

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