Daily Sabah (Turkey)

Iraq’s pro-Iran parties take lead in local polls


UNOFFICIAL results of Iraq’s provincial council elections put pro-Iranian groups ahead in most cities late Tuesday.

The three main Iranian-backed electoral lists got the most votes in the non-final results, especially in southern Iraq, according to the High Election Commission­er’s office.

From the Shiite electoral lists, both the Nabni (We are Building) Coalition, which includes political extensions of Hashd al-Shaabi (Iran’s Popular Mobilizati­on Forces militia) and is led by Hadi alAmiri, and the State of Law Coalition, led by former Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, were ahead.

The Union of National Forces Coalition, led by former Premier Haider Abadi and Shiite religious and political leader Ammar Hekim, came in third place after the Amiri and Maliki coalitions in some southern cities.

In Diyala, Gov. Musenna Tamimi, who is close to the Badr Movement, led by Amiri, captured the top spot in the provincial assembly.

In the capital Baghdad, former Parliament Speaker Mohammad Halbusi’s Takaddim Party won first place, while the Nebni Alliance took second place and the State of Law Coalition, led by Maliki, took third place.

Halbusi’s party also came first in the western Anbar governorat­e.

In oil-rich Basra, the electoral list headed by Gov. Asad Idani got the highest share with more than 250 votes.

In the eastern governorat­e of Wasit, the list formed by Muhammad Meyyahi, the governor, came in first.

The electoral lists of Amiri and Maliki won second and third places in both cities.

In the key multiethni­c city of Kirkuk, the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) won the most votes.

A coalition headed by Kirkuk’s Gov. Hakan Cuburi came second and the list of ethnic Turkmen parties came third.

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