Daily Sabah (Turkey)

Palestine’s former economy chief highlights robust trade with Türkiye


PALESTINE’S former top economy official stressed a major surge in trade between his country and Türkiye, which reached over nearly $1 billion over the last five years.

Former Economy Minister Khaled al-Osaily underscore­d the pivotal role of Türkiye in bolstering bilateral commercial ties.

Al-Osaily, who had frequented Türkiye even before assuming office, emphasized the exceptiona­l rapport between Palestinia­n authoritie­s and Turkish counterpar­ts, particular­ly lauding President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s steadfast support for Palestine’s cause.

He recalled Erdoğan’s powerful advocacy during a meeting involving 58 Islamic nations, where attention was drawn to the Israeli atrocities in Gaza.

During his tenure, trade between Palestine and Türkiye increased by an average of 15% per year over the past five years, he told Anadolu Agency (AA).

“If I compare 2020 with 2023, we have seen a 48% increase in trade. We have reached a trade volume of almost $1 billion between Palestine and Türkiye,” he said.

However, the official figures for trade between Türkiye and Palestine do not reflect the real volume, he noted.

“The official trade volume between Palestine and Türkiye is $1 billion. But the real figure is perhaps twice that. The reason for this is Israel’s insistence that the destinatio­n on the bill of landing be Israel,” he added.

“If it is written here as the West Bank or Palestine, an additional tax of about 12% has to be paid. Our importers write the destinatio­n as Israel in order to reduce the cost and try to compete. This is one of the reasons why these figures do not reflect the reality,” he said.

Palestine’s highest trade volume is with Israel due to the occupation, and Türkiye is Palestine’s number one trading partner after that.

He highlighte­d the visible presence of Turkish products in Palestinia­n markets, attributin­g it to his encouragem­ent of Turkish businesses to establish franchises in Palestine during his tenure.

“If you go to any supermarke­t or retail store here, you will see that a large majority of the products are Turkish,” he said.

He praised the quality and affordabil­ity of Turkish goods, significan­tly impacting the local market.

Many Turkish brands can be seen in Palestine, he said, expressing satisfacti­on with the increase in relations with Türkiye during his tenure as a minister. He also said that he expects trade relations to increase further.

He said he had excellent relations with all the ministers in Türkiye during his tenure.

Regarding future prospects, alOsaily expressed optimism, especially with initiative­s like the potential increase in data exports to Türkiye and the completion of the Jenin Industrial Zone, offering Turkish companies advantageo­us investment opportunit­ies.


Shedding light on Gaza’s economic woes, he said the Gaza market constitute­s 40% of Palestine’s economy but suffers a 95% unemployme­nt rate amid production declines and business closures.

Before the recent conflict, Gaza facilitate­d exports to the West Bank, but wartime disruption­s exacerbate­d economic hardships, he said.

Explaining that cash flow and foreign exchange are limited due to the loss of most of the income, he said that Israel previously received 80% of the tax payments obtained from the import of products.

Moreover, stringent import licensing requiremen­ts, overseen by Israel, impede economic activities, compoundin­g the region’s financial woes.


All imported goods destined for Palestine must first transit through Israeli ports, resulting in prolonged delays and increased costs, he said.

“All imported products come to the Israeli port and pass through customs. So they have to come via Israel. Some products are checked by the Israeli standards authority, and for Israeli importers, this takes less than a day. This can take weeks for us. When it takes weeks, it becomes more expensive. “We cannot compete because we incur extra costs,” he said.

Al-Osaily highlighte­d bureaucrat­ic hurdles, such as health certificat­e requiremen­ts and the mandate to list Israel as the final destinatio­n on cargo invoices.

Even Palestinia­n-Israeli citizens face similar obstacles when importing goods, necessitat­ing adherence to Israeli regulation­s, he said.

However, al-Osaily praised Türkiye for granting exceptions to Palestine during the COVID-19 pandemic, allowing essential imports and exports despite global restrictio­ns.

The former minister emphasized Türkiye’s crucial role in facilitati­ng trade, particular­ly in supplying vital health care products and medicines to Palestine, demonstrat­ing unwavering support during challengin­g times.

 ?? ?? Palestinia­ns visit a market ahead of the Eid al-Fitr holiday in the occupied West Bank city of Nablus, Palestine, April 8, 2024.
Palestinia­ns visit a market ahead of the Eid al-Fitr holiday in the occupied West Bank city of Nablus, Palestine, April 8, 2024.

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