TR Monitor

Turkish banking sector keeps its sound structure: Watchdog


The Turk sh bank ng sector’s sound, healthy structure cont nues at full strength, the Bank ng Regulat on and Superv s on Agency (BDDK) sa d on December 27. The sector’s current cap tal structure s fully capable of w thstand ng asset qual ty-dr ven r sks, the bank ng watchdog sa dna statement. The BDDK projected that n 2019 the cap tal adequacy rat o w ll drop to 15.5 percent wh le the non-perform ng loans (NPL) rat o w ll reach 6 percent. It underl ned that follow ng the work on ts f nanc al structure, the calculated cap tal adequacy rat o s well above the m n mum lmt of Basel III pract ces. The sector’s prof tab l ty performanc­e also supports cap tal adequacy through nternal cap tal product on, the statement added.

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