Marble Trend




Standının cephesinde geniş bir alanı yeni üretime başladığı gri mermerle kaplayıp “New Quarry” yazdı.

Kendi ocaklarınd­a üretimini yaptığı marka olan Crema

Extra, Crema Originale, Royal Solid, Crema Diva, Crema

Nouva, Rasolia ve Fantasy White taşlarını sergiledi.

Exterior of the stand was covered with a new grey marble, whose production started a short time ago and it was made known with the writing “New Quarry”. Crema

Extra, Crema Originale, Royal

Solid, Crema Diva, Crema

Nouva, Rasolia and Fantasy

White, which are the company’s own products, were exhibited.

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