Marble Trend

The advertisem­ent


Aydın Dinçer, the President of Istanbul Mineral Exporters’ Associatio­n (İMİB), was on live transmissi­on.

He was talking about the importance of mines, the problems about permits and licenses, and the strategy followed to promote the Turkish stones.

At the end of the program, he dropped a bombshell.

He explained that for a new public building, which was to be built in Istanbul, 40.000 square meters of exported natural stone would be used. Dinçer did not tell the name, but later we found out that it was Ziraat Bankası...

You know the one. It’s the bank on whose website the title goes, “Supporting those who produce for Turkey”.

It’s the bank that uses the phrase, “We value your businesses” as its motto.” Dinçer continued. He underlined that they made the necessary

applicatio­ns to the related authoritie­s to prevent this bank, whose name he did not utter, from using exported stones.

I highly respect Dinçer’s defiance and struggle.

But I have a question. Who will President Aydın denounce them to?

What I ask is:

Will he talk to the “authoritie­s” that did not do anything while Brazilian stones were being paved at the new Istanbul Airport in spite of our country’s marble producers who were willing to

provide natural stones to the project free of charge? In spite of this abundance of marble in Turkey?

Will he denounce them to the “authoritie­s” who walk through the corridors covered with Indian stones at the presidenti­al palace which is promoted as the prestige source of the Turkish Republic?

Yeah, right!

Do you remember when Turkish marble producers were complainin­g about having lost the advertisem­ent opportunit­y

of the century after exported natural stones were applied at the Istanbul Airport?

If you do, go to the website of Rishabh Marble, which is the Indian company that provided the presidenti­al palace’s natural stones. Go to the projects section and see how the Indian stones are promoted!

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