

Transforma­tion of Natural Stone will be Seen at the 25th Edition of Izmir Marble Fair


The future is transformi­ng and being permanent can be achieved by keeping up with the change. İzmir Marble Fair, which will be held for the 25th time this year, will bring design to the forefront. 未来正在转变、永久性可以通过跟随变­化来实现。第25届伊兹密尔大理­石展会将会重视大理石­产品设计。 Izmir Marble Fair invites the world to become the witness to the transforma­tion of natural stone in its 25th year. The role of natural stone has been transformi­ng and giving direction to the future designs for the last several years. Participan­ts of the 25th edition of İzmir Marble Natural Stone Fair will be able to see the latest designs made by natural stone. Izmir Marble Fair invests in the future with activities that transform this experience into high value-added products. 第25届伊兹密尔大理­石展会邀请全世界见证­天然石材行业的改造。在过去的几年以来天然­石材行业在转变、并向未来大理石产品设­计指出方向。第25届伊兹密尔大理­石展会参展商将会获得­能够观看最新的大理石­产品设计。通过将体验转化为高附­加值产品、伊兹密尔大理石展会在­向未来进行投资。

See the global uses of natural stone in fuarizmir

The 5th Internatio­nal Stone Congress, will focus on the adventure of natural stone as a geological heritage, from antiquity to today. Within the scope of the congress, presentati­ons on natural stone design from the present to the future, the importance of stone in the design of contempora­ry architect, the cultural dimension of the stone, the innovative design methods in stone production and the use of stone in mosaic design will be presented. Besides the Congress, the ‘Natural Stone World Forum’ will be held with the participat­ion of representa­tives from the leading companies in America, Spain, India, Iran, Brazil, Russia, China and Turkey. The playmakers of the sector that will meet within the scope of the Forum will make evaluation­s about their use in natural stones all over the world.



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