Campaign Middle East


The agency’s MD is going back to Amsterdam.


Iris Minnema, the managing director of DDB Dubai, is returning to DDB Amsterdam.

She joined DDB Dubai in July 2013 from the Amsterdam office. In Dubai she has grown from business director to managing director. She will be returning to Amsterdam in April to lead the Global Mars Pet Food category.

Hubert Boulos, CEO Middle East, said: “I can’t thank Iris enough for the six years she spent by my side leading DDB Dubai. Her contributi­on to the agency’s success is simply amazing. Her stellar performanc­e and contributi­on over the past six years have transforme­d DDB Dubai into a key player in the region. I am terribly sad to see her leave us, and I dread the day she checks out of this office to go home in a few weeks. Nonetheles­s, I am thrilled to see that all her hard work paid off and landed her an opportunit­y where she can showcase her talent on a global level within our network.

Commenting on her move, Minnema said: “Planning to live in Dubai for a year or two is common in this region – staying longer than planned, even more. I’m guilty of the latter as well. For me, one of the main reasons for calling Dubai home for more than six years was the amazing ‘DDBeings’ that I got to work with every day. It’s been an enriching experience, not only in terms of profession­al developmen­t but also on a personal level. Hubert has been a great mentor, sparring partner and friend during my years at DDB Dubai and I will miss him, the full agency team and the client relationsh­ips that we’ve built over the last couple of years dearly. How- ever, I’m excited to remain within the DDB family and looking forward to my next challenge in Amsterdam. More DDB adventures to come.”

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 ??  ?? Six years: Minnema rose from business director to managing director in Dubai
Six years: Minnema rose from business director to managing director in Dubai

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