City Times

Say No to Selfies

- Neha Mahamood, a 22-year old journalism student, is a self-proclaimed oldsoul who spends her days reading books and sipping coffee.

Every time I log into social media nowadays, I see the faces of my family and friends. I love them, but do I have to see them everywhere? Are selfies making us a narcissist­ic society? We post our pictures on social media multiple times a day.

‘Look at my outfit, look at my breakfast, look at me at the gym, eating out, drinking with friends, don’t I look great? Look at me!’

We are too involved with ourselves and have entered a competitio­n to see who can take the most selfies. What is this about? Why must we tell the world everywhere we go, everything we eat, everything we touch?

If we must document everything, we could take one picture of our meal, one with our friends, one with the location, and then enjoy the company, savour the good food, be in the moment.

From the White House to sporting events, to the streets, people are obsessed with taking pictures of themselves. Looking up the time on you phone? Let’s take a selfie. Checking your calendar? Let’s take a selfie. Calling mom? Let’s take a selfie!

What happened to the days I went out with my friends, had hour-long insightful conversati­ons and pondered over life’s great mysteries, without everyone whipping out their phones and snapping pictures as soon as their coffees arrived. OK, we rarely spoke about anything beyond which movie to watch or where to go for dinner, but at least we had conversati­ons with each other’s faces and not through camera screens.

Now there are sites dedicated to sharing your selfies. What again, is the point of this? Well, of course other than to show the world and have millions come flocking to your doorstep? Wait, that does not happen? Okay, now I’m confused.

The last time I took a selfie was 3 months ago. And you know what? I feel fine. I haven’t doubled over in pain, the police haven’t come by to question me and the CIA isn’t on my tail. In this new millennium, I am merely a girl trying to get through this maze of life without falling trap to this crazy lifestyle our generation seems to feast upon.

Here’s a suggestion for all the selfie enthusiast­s out there, whether they have walked the Hollywood red carpet or live their lives in relative anonymity: Stop it, or at least curb your selfabsorb­ed activities. Rather, make memories with your little munchkins, take your dog out for a walk, smell the roses and live a life unselfied.

 ??  ?? Neha Mahamood suggests a different way to interact with friends
Neha Mahamood suggests a different way to interact with friends

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