City Times

Will Kim run for public office?


Kim Kardashian West is game to run for public office in the US if the time and opportunit­y comes but it’s not on her mind at the moment. In an interview to CNN, Kim discussed her marriage to rapper Kanye West and how being a mother has changed her for the better.

Asked if she had any interest in running for public office, the reality TV star said it wasn’t really on her mind, reports hollywoodr­ When reminded by Jones that “(Donald) Trump is President, it could happen”, Kim replied: “I know. That’s why Kanye loves him. It’s the idea that anything can happen… I guess never say never.

“But that’s not going to be like, Kim’s running. That’s not where I am. I just want to help one person at a time.” Kim met Trump last month to discuss prison reform. This was in extension of her efforts to advocate for a pardon for a low-level drug offender named Alice Marie Johnson, who has served more than 20 years in prison.

On June 6, Trump commuted Johnson’s sentence and she was released from prison. Kim said she found an emotional connect to Johnson.

“I felt like she is a good person. You can see that in her. That she lost her long-time job, got a divorce, her son died. And I know that I would do anything for my kids and so I just felt this connection to her. Like instantly, that I just wanted to help her.”

She said she understand­s how some people might perceive her help towards Johnson. “I think people might think like ‘Oh, Kim went to the White House, had this conversati­on, it was done, and that’s it.’ This, I saw this seven months ago. And I have been having daily phone calls with the White House,” she said.

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