City Times

Essential things to pack in travel bags


Long vacations or even a short trip to nearby places are always a great idea to take a break from your mundane and monotonous schedule. While everyone is thrilled with the idea of visiting new places, the dilemma of what to pack and what not tends to throw us into great confusion.

Saket Agarwal, CEO and founder of Lazy Jojo and K. Sunil, co-founder of Alchemie Commerce recommend some essential things that you should keep handy that will sort your travel journey. Ensure you have all these and you are good to go.

* Canvas shoes: Travelling means a lot of exploratio­n and some adventures. One can travel in comfort with a pair of comfortabl­e canvas shoes. Canvas shoes are also a savior as they always compliment the emergency jeans and T-shirt outfit in a pinch. The combinatio­n of jeans and canvas shoes are great for a quick holiday look. One can also customise their canvas shoes with various prints to match their holiday mood.

* Sunscreen: Another important thing is sunscreen. While travelling and exploring new places always excites us, what we may not like is the tan that doesn’t seem to leave us even after months. Sunscreen is crucial for protecting our skin from the dangerous effects of UV rays that not only cause sunburns, but can also lead to serious health problems.

* Toiletry kit: Be more organised about carrying some basic toiletries with the help of a toiletry kit. It will also help you to never miss out on the basic things like toothbrush, toothpaste, sunscreen, moisturize­rs among others. Next time while travelling, do not forget to include it in your checklist

* Bluetooth speakers: A mix of soothing music with the dance tracks goes just perfect with the mood setting of relaxing away from the city life. Don’t forget to pack your portable music partner, Bluetooth pocket speakers with your luggage for the vacation. Bluetooth speakers will allow you to enjoy your favorite music at a good volume output anytime, anywhere.

First aid kit: The first aid kit is the most important thing to ensure a safe and healthy vacation. We should always carry medicines for headache, motion sickness and allergies, bandages, antiseptic and mosquito repellent. Plan to buy all these essentials in advance to avoid last minute misses.

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