City Times

Some cool advice for the hot summer



BALANCING AND MAINTAININ­G water levels in our body is crucial to living a healthy life. We are often advised to drink typically 6-8 glasses of water every day, but how often do we do it? Drinking water helps the body flush out toxins and also keep skin clear and blemish free, but these are facts that we already know. However, some studies have proven that depression is often linked to lack of water in the body, especially since the body is made of 85 per cent H20. While the hot summer is upon us, we need to keep our body hydrated at all times, especially if you are working out or you have a job that requires you to be outdoors. Here are some handy tips by Dubai-based experts on how to prevent dehydratio­n and keep cool!

Eat your water?

Drinking 6-8 glasses of water per day is something most of us may not be doing diligently, however, you also can offset dehydratio­n by eating fruits and vegetables which are known to have a large water content. ‘Eating your water’ is the best way to consume liquids and at the same time not get bored with the monotonous routine of drinking water.

According to Dubai Naturopath, Dr Athika Chettiar, the best hydrating foods to consume during this hot season include iceberg lettuce, cabbages, radish, zucchini, celery, red tomatoes and spinach. These are best consumed raw since cooking the veggies can dehydrate them and reduce the water levels.

Certain spices can also keep the body cool. “Fennel and cumin are effective in cooling down the body. Including them within your diet will prove effective, especially dur-

ing the summer,” Dr. Athika advised.

Many people are not very fond of eating fruits and vegetables, the best thing for them would be to mix it up and try some tasty recipes. Dubai nutritioni­st Mithun De Sarkar says that a combinatio­n of fruits and vegetables can make interestin­g and yummy recipes. “One can make an interestin­g salad combining lettuce, spinach and raspberrie­s or create one with melon, tomatoes with a sprinkle of feta cheese. Alternativ­ely one could also try a cucumber celery salad with a hummus dip. Eating fruits and vegetables in a salad form or blending them in to smoothies or freezing ice lollies with fresh fruit juices or sorbets are some creative ways of adding more hydration to your body.”

A hydrating and simple dish, busy and working people can easily prep is a tomato and cucumber salad. Smoothies, laban or even flavouring water with fruit or lemon-gingercucu­mber slices can go a long way says Dr Athika. While De Sarkar suggests creating chia pudding with coconut milk and fresh fruit oatmeal with cinnamon and fruits or even yoghurt and berry popsicles.

An ideal meal plan, however, would be to skip a large meal and opt for alternativ­e hydrating foods, taking short meals frequently and including lots of fruits, and drinking fennel water. This can keep your body cool says Dr Athika.

According to her, in the summer time, it is easy for our body to become vulnerable to heating up, and there are certain food items in our diet that does not allow the body to cool down. These need to be avoided or taken in lesser quantities during the hot season. Some of these include junk food, fried food like papad and chips, pickles, heavily spiced food, heavy to digest food like pulses, garlic, hot spices like cloves, red chilli and cinnamon.

It is common to find people taking to sugary beverages and soft drinks to quench their thirst during summer, but it is best to stay away from them suggests Sarkar. According to her, “there are more possibilit­ies of finishing a tub of ice cream during summer and reaching out for fizzy drinks and ice teas.” It is also advisable to cut back on smoking and alcohol during summer.

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 ??  ?? Dr. Athika Chettiar is a practicing Naturopath in Dubai
Dr. Athika Chettiar is a practicing Naturopath in Dubai

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