City Times

Khloe doesn’t spare tristan from blame


Woods called it a mistake to attend the house party with so much rough history between Thompson and Kardashian. But she made it clear there was “no passion” in the kiss and she and Thompson were never alone together that night. And she was also clear there was no prior romantic relationsh­ip or contact since.

“In my head this is innocent. We’re all drinking. We’re all chillin’,” Woods said, adding: “I wasn’t thinking right” in attending the house party.

After the kiss, Woods said, “I was like, more in shock. I was like, let me just pretend that didn’t happen.”

In the aftermath, she said she told Khloe and Kylie she had been at Thompson’s house but nothing happened between them. “I was like, no, he was chillin’. Everything’s OK,” she recalled saying.

That was a lie, Woods said. She wasn’t “honest about the actions that had taken place.”

“I just knew how much turmoil was going on. I was just like let me just not throw more fuel onto the fire,” Woods said of Khole and Tristan’s relationsh­ip. “I was trying to protect Khloe’s heart. She doesn’t deserve this either.”

Woods said her life has been trashed as media and fan attention has honed in on her. “I may have done something wrong but whatever I did I don’t think I deserve this. It’s just not fair,” said Woods. Kylie Jenner and the Kardashian clan had been largely silent about what transpired with Jordyn Woods, but Khloe Kardashian made up for lost time in a tweet aimed at Tristan Thompson (pictured):

“Tristan is equally to blame, but Tristan is the father of my child. Regardless of what he does to me I won’t do that to my daughter. He has been addressing this situation PRIVATELY. If Tristan were to lie publicly about what conspired, then yes I would address him publicly as well.”

Woods admitted, “I really hurt so many more people by not telling the truth,” but she added: “I’m no homewrecke­r. I would never try to hurt someone’s home, especially someone I love.”

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