City Times

We can’t show concern for migrants by sitting in AC and tweeting: Sonu Sood


“GO TELL THE migrant workers not to worry because Sonu Sood is there for them... Maybe the person acts in negative roles in cinemas but this man is a true ‘nayok’ (hero) in the real world,” gushes a Facebook post written in Bangla by a student from Kolkata.

Over the last couple of months, Sonu has been busy with social work. Recently, he organised buses to transport stranded migrant labourers home.

“I feel it is my duty to help the migrants, the heartbeats of our country. We have seen migrants walking on the highways with their families and kids. We just can’t sit in the AC and tweet and show our concern till we don’t go on the roads, till we don’t become one of them. Otherwise, they will not have the trust that there is someone standing there for them. So I have been coordinati­ng for their travels, for permission­s from different states,” Sonu said.

The actor says he’s been getting hundreds of mails and messages daily. “I have been coordinati­ng non-stop from morning till evening. This has become my only job during this lockdown. It gives me so much satisfacti­on...

“When I see these migrants and all those who are suffering, I feel that we have lost the respect of being a human. I can’t sleep properly in the night because the thoughts keep coming in my mind. I wish I could drive them personally to their villages day and night and reunite them with their families.

“Today, if we are not there to support them, I think we don’t have any right to call ourselves human beings. We can’t leave them on the streets, we can’t see them dying on the highways,” he added.

Not only workers, Sonu tries to help everyone. “You won’t believe my number rings 24X7. I keep getting calls for PPE kits, ration etc.,” he said.

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