City Times

Beingshe Universe final on in Dubai

Competitio­n inspiring and empowering women

- Enid Parker

The grand finale of the third season of Beingshe Universe will be held on November 29 at Float Dubai on the highest deck of the Queen Elizabeth II. The event is expected to attract more than 200 guests with the show being directed by Fahad Kidwai and presented by Iman Harti. From the shortliste­d participan­ts who attended the

Beingshe Universe 2021 auditions, which were held last month, only

20 have been selected as finalists.

The ‘Beingshe’ Universe platform gives women visibility and the drive to pursue their dreams. As CEO of Beingshe,

Aparna Bajpai states: “There are multiple paths to achieving goals and achieving dreams, but each individual determines whether or not they are successful or realise their dreams. Embrace change with attitude, belief, courage, and determinat­ion.

At Beingshe Universe, it is my goal to help women learn to pivot and find opportunit­y in every challenge.” Head to to find out more.


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