
What’s your

Are you a dreamer or a doer, learner or a leader? Whatever your working


We all have different styles of working. Some people are born leaders and love heading a team, coming up with ideas for new projects and keeping everyone inspired until the big launch or presentati­on, while others are excellent at nurturing relationsh­ips, making sure everyone in the office is happy and persuading people to buy products.

Experts say there are five types of working personalit­ies – the Doer, the Lover, the Leader, the Dreamer and the Learner – all operating differentl­y, and each with their strengths and weaknesses. Some focus on detail and making lists, while others specialise in the most obscure things or theories that many of us didn’t even know existed.

“Though we do have the five types, we’re often a mix of two or three of them, and some of them work really well together,” explains internatio­nal career coach John Lees, author of “For example, someone who is

Just the Job!. both a Leader and a Dreamer can be a huge success because they are ultra-visionary and focused. However, a Doer is rarely a Dreamer because the Doer is too detail focused to think outside the box.

“Sometimes, when we get known for being a particular type of worker, it can work both for us and against us. We can become a specialist or it can limit us because our employers think our talents lie in just one area.

“Labelling can happen in other ways, too. If we’re in a meeting and we fix a technical problem, we get known in the organisati­on as the guy who’s good at fixing laptops. People get invited to join committees because they once expressed an opinion and they then become regarded as an expert.”

Here John describes the five types of worker and gives his tips for our weaker areas to ensure that we fly as high as we can from nine to five, whatever job we’re in, whether it’s medicine or marketing, finance or fashion.

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Johnh Lees, authorh off Just the Job! can help you if you’re stuck in a workplacep rut
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