



20 – APR 19

As Mars accents links between people around you until mid-January, you’ll realise that most of the world thinks and acts far more slowly than you. Solution? Discuss the agenda, then decide what you’ll leave others to do and what you’ll do yourself.


20 – MAY 20

There’s a difference between knowing you’ll have to make decisions and the need to take action swiftly. You’ve lots yet to discover. Once decision-time comes, in midJanuary, your options will be very different from what they are now.


MAY 21 – JUN 20

With Saturday’s Gemini Full Moon bringing issues to a head, you’ll be discussing both concerns and ideas for the future. Any arrangemen­ts you organise should be flexible, mostly because whatever seems good now is about to get a lot better.


21 – JUL 21

Your instincts are correctly telling you that the often unsettling changes you’re facing are in your best interests. True, this may mean acting while still short of solid facts, but judging by the swift pace, things will come together soon.


JUL 22 – AUG 22

Since your perspectiv­e has changed considerab­ly, you should discuss your thinking before major plans are organised. These discussion­s will transform your long-term objectives, so they justify serious time and effort.


23 – SEP 22

Saturday’s New Moon accents decisions involving various aspects of your life. The accompanyi­ng fresh perspectiv­e may require further analysis, but you’re now confident that you’re doing right thing.


23 – OCT 22

After a lengthy period of dealing with personal matters, you need a break. This comes during the week’s second half. In the week’s first half, you need to clear up any remaining issues so that you’re free to enjoy the upcoming events.


23 – NOV 21

Living with unresolved issues that simply couldn’t be dealt with hasn’t been easy. You have coped superbly, but still, you’ll be delighted when sudden events, this week, reveal ways to put those to rest, with little effort, and probably by mid-month.


NOV 22 – DEC 20

Discussion­s are not only vital, they seem to go on forever. Irritating as the resulting delays are, by the week’s close you’ve learned so much you’re thrilled. More importantl­y, you will realise that the resulting changes are wise and favourable.


21 – JAN 19

As the week begins, you’ll notice complex cross-currents. These come to a head on the 15th, when the planet of innovation, Uranus, clashes with Pluto, which is positioned in Capricorn. Unsettling and worrying as events are, they’re breakthrou­ghs.


20 – FEB 17

If things don’t go to plan you explore options and often you so enjoy the process, you’re glad changes took place. Bear this in mind now, since what seems least likely won’t just happen, but could reshape your plans.


FEB 18 – MAR 19

From time to time events reveal plans you’d intended to keep to yourself. The resulting discussion­s lead to such amazing insights that you find yourself discussing options at great length, which is wise.

 ??  ?? Shelley von Strunckel, one of the world’s top astrologer­s, writes a weekly forecast for Friday.
Shelley von Strunckel, one of the world’s top astrologer­s, writes a weekly forecast for Friday.

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