


1 Boosts memory Research shows that playing an instrument can increase brain capacity through stimulatio­n. A 2009 study at the University of Zurich even found it can increase IQ by seven points. 2 Improves team skills If you want to be in a band that conquers the world you need to have some sort of working relationsh­ip with the person on bass. Even if, in Eaglesstyl­e, you eventually end up being barely able to stand on the same stage without having a fight. 3 Enhances motor skills The art of playing an instrument requires almost mind-boggling hand co-ordination. By perfecting it, you are essentiall­y becoming a more evolved human being. 4 Relieves stress ‘Research shows that making music can lower blood pressure, decrease heart rate, reduce stress, and lessen anxiety and depression,’ says Suzanne Hanser, chair of music therapy at Berklee College of Music in the US. 5 Increases fitness Being on stage for a couple of hours every night is a serious workout that gets the heart pumping and muscles working. Think about it: you don’t see many overweight rock stars.

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