

Advice on style, health, education and skincare



Q I’ve just started working as a financial consultant, which requires me to wear suits more regularly. My father tells me I need to learn how to wear suits, and to be a ‘gentleman’ when I wear them. Any tips?

AThere are three things everyone would agree on as qualities of a true gentleman – knowledge, etiquette and style.

A gentleman would always consider knowledge as power and hence take a deep dive into everything RASHI CHOWDHARY before speaking about it. This means a gentleman will always learn to listen before he speaks; be well-read and aware of all topics of discussion, whether related to serious worldly matters or leisure; never indulge in materialis­tic items for the sake of boosting his ego, rather make sure he knows everything about it, like how it is crafted and what has actually gone into bringing it into existence.

Manners maketh the man and a gentleman will always place manners and etiquette at the top of his priority list. This obviously includes the basic etiquette of treating women with respect, so things like giving up your seat for a lady, standing up when a lady walks into the room, and always making them feel safe and secure is important. A gentleman will also always use refined language and polite mannerisms.

A gentleman will always harbour an innate sense of style, which is practised with nonchalanc­e, giving others an impression of effortless elegance. This involves dressing in a manner that has been well-thought but appears natural and elegant.

It also involves developing your own personal style and wearing what gives others a glimpse of your personalit­y. This personal style with practised effortless elegance will become your own individual identity. PAWAN & ASHISH ISHWAR

 ??  ?? are tailors at Knights & Lords, a bespoke tailoring house in Dubai
are tailors at Knights & Lords, a bespoke tailoring house in Dubai
 ??  ?? 100 is a nutritioni­st, diabetes educator and creator of The Protein Bake Shop
100 is a nutritioni­st, diabetes educator and creator of The Protein Bake Shop

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