

Each week, we’d like you to share your thoughts, anecdotes, views or stories. What have you done to change your life this January?

- This week, we want to know: What is stopping you from cycling on a regular basis? Email your replies to, or comment on­zine. Answers may be edited for clarity and/or length.

A page for readers to share their views, thoughts and stories.

Over the years, I have discovered that I tend to procrastin­ate on any New Year resolution that I make. So I decided to herald 2018 without any clear-cut resolution­s. Though I couldn’t work miracles, I discovered that I succeeded in bringing about a few changes in my life, even without the usual fanfare. I chanced upon a large porcelain container with compartmen­ts and a plastic lid which I fill in with lots of colourful fruits, vegetables and a variety of nuts in the morning. We finish it by evening, fulfilling most of my family’s nutritiona­l requiremen­ts for the day. I pitched in a friend with whom I started hitting the gym daily, and now find myself more fresh and active throughout the day. Company alleviates boredom and discourage­s bunking off. Lately I had realised that I was quite stingy with compliment­s in my day-to-day life. I started appreciati­ng peoples’ actions and efforts, even if small. I was amazed how much change it brought about within me and in their attitude towards me in a short time. Expressing the gratitude that one feels opens new and long-lasting doors in the relationsh­ip quarter. I also wished to revive my passion for writing, which I had neglected since my college days. I visualised writing at least one page a day, collected editorials to read more and more but as usual, procrastin­ation got the better of me. It was then that the topic of this week’s ‘Story tellers’ caught my attention and I sat down to share my insights. Thank you Friday for goading me on. I aspire to do a zillion more things but then it’s always better not to bite off more can one can chew! Sheethal Manoj

I wanted to change my life by dedicating more time for social and humanitari­an activities, shifting my focus from other pleasures of life. To a certain extent I have done justice to this resolution. Vineetha Sasikant A change in my attitude was the biggest change required in my life. And this year, my New Year’s resolution was that I will be patient and persistent in whatever I do. I am an impatient soul and I always lose interest in any of the new endeavours I begin. This year I will keep myself motivated to stay put and finish whatever I start. This is a big thing and I know it will not happen soon. However, it is going positively so far. Also, getting organised was also on the list, which I am failing at terribly. Ummehani Habiby This year, I am striving to stay positive, no matter what life is throwing at me! I am learning to live by the following principle. I will change from

Fear to faith,

Blame to responsibi­lity,

Irritation to patience,

Anger to assertion,

Expectatio­ns to acceptance

And so far, it’s going well!

Chandni Chugh As everyone thinks of new year resolution­s, I also have a plan to focus on this year: Taking care of my health. Being a working mother, I have a very packed routine. All my things are managed nicely but no time is left for a walk and exercise. I want to spend some of my time reading even if it can only be managed weekly. I have started giving myself time every day at least half an hour, though I am not able to manage it every day but still trying harder to keep little time for myself. Because it is very important for a mother to be physically and mentally fit so that she can perform all her duties in a better way.

Mrs Asif

I have honestly done nothing to change myself. I am starting to prepare myself to do more things and reduce my laziness. I wish I complete this challenge before 2019. Karishma M. For the last month, I have tried to avoid the usage of plastic bags during my shopping. It’s not easy to avoid usage of plastic completely in the present scenario unless we have an alternativ­e carrier bags in shops. I will try to continue zero plastic in the coming days and months. Eappen Elias

I have started “Magical Gratitude” based on the book The Magic by Rohnda Byrne. Gratitude is a powerful process that brings more things to be grateful for. It is a practice for 28 consecutiv­e days that I started from January 1. Every day, I spend 10-15 minutes listing 10 blessings in my life that I am truly grateful for and for each blessing I wholeheart­edly say the magical words ‘thank you, thank you, thank you’, and feel the gratitude for all those blessings for that particular day. This has indeed made me lighter, happier and more focused in all my activities. This process has instilled faith in my work, in my decisions and has changed my view. I am grateful for the air I breathe, the water I drink – and the people involved in getting the water to my doorstep; those people, all around me, who are involved directly or indirectly in making my life easier.

Matam Rajeswari

This January the change I have brought in my life, is to do things that I am passionate about such as reading and yoga. I wanted to experience the calm and strength that practising yoga usually gave me and the sheer pleasure of reading. I strongly believe that it will bring a positive transforma­tion to life. It did take a while to get back into it but it is going well and absolutely worth it. Nithya Srikumar

A new year marks new beginnings for many. Resolution­s are cliched if they are not backed by determinat­ion. So this January, I have focused on becoming a better person than I was last year. The first step was to de-clutter the space that I was living in. To my surprise, there were lots of garments, accessorie­s and books ready to be disposed off. Soon things were classified under ‘to be given away’ and to be trashed. This activity led to some introspect­ion that made me sit back and contemplat­e on my spending behaviour. I decided to be more cautious with my purse. As someone rightly said ‘even small positive shifts in thinking create huge results if you are consistent in your efforts’. Suni John

The demands of motherhood had taken its toll on the intense relationsh­ip I always had with books. This year, I made the conscious decision to get back to reading. Ever since, I’ve been devouring book after book, making up for the lost years. I am currently getting through the fifth one and the pleasure I get from curling up with a book is immense. Sandhya Nair The past year was financiall­y unfair to us because our income was lower than our expenses. We decided to overcome this situation by avoiding unwanted purchases from 2018 onwards. We don’t want to change our food, education, rent and health. But we have control over purchasing garments, shoes, toys, household items and spending on entertainm­ent. Being minimalist is our decision and so far, we have been successful. Rasmina Abdul Jaleel

I have held several jobs in the UK, ranging from a School Informatio­n Management System (SIMS) administra­tor to most recently as a PALS officer (Patient Advice and Liaison Services) for the NHS and after working for over 30 years – during which time I also raised a family (I have two beautiful grand children!) – I decided it was ‘me time’ now. So, earlier this month, I retired from the 9-5 daily grind. At first I was feeling unsettled at not having a routine anymore until I found out about a senior citizens club in London called U3A (University of the Third Age) and it has been brilliant. Every week, a seminar is held about a particular topic and I’ve learned so much and made some lovely friends in the process. I have also always wanted to learn Arabic and now, while on vacation in Dubai visiting my son, I have joined another institute where I am learning the language and gaining more knowledge about my own faith, Islam. I am enjoying my new daily routine where I have met so many ladies of various nationalit­ies, many whom have now become good friends.

People often associate retirement with boredom but with all these various organisati­ons, it is anything but! It is never too late to learn something new. Love and live life. Sayeeda Malik

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