


Some of you might call me parochial, and some might marvel at my ignorance, but I still want to be honest: I did not know of Anjali Menon before an exclusive interview with her was pitched to us. Although I had heard of some of the remarkable films she has created in her short journey as a filmmaker, I had not watched any of them as they are all in Malayalam, a language I do not understand. Not at all.

There is no insidious reason for this behaviour; just the fact that in my logic-driven head, my inability to understand the language, is that unsurmount­able barrier which prevents me from connecting with the story. And I also believe there is a lot of truth in the saying ‘lost in translatio­n’. Sub-titles or translatio­ns, the same logic-driven head believes, can never do justice to the essence of the story. From its visceral subtext that flows through the entire story to the cultural context that forms the story’s foundation, for me it is all these unarticula­ted but vital aspects of a story that fall by the wayside when I don’t understand the language. I feel cheated, shortchang­ed even when a story’s subtleties are lost on me.

Result? I tend to build an even stronger barrier around my logic-driven head.

It’s called insensitit­vity. I know the loss is entirely mine for I have locked myself in an ivory tower of indifferen­ce. Robbing myself from the opportunit­y to learn from the school called diversity, I realise I’m no different from the frog in the well.

The only redeeming factor in

I too am guilty of being so caught up in the ongoings of my oyster that I tend to believe the ocean does not matter

this self-realisatio­n is that there is no ethno-centrism involved here. Just a lackadaisi­cal attitude. Like the many I know, I too am guilty of being so caught up in the ongoings of my oyster that I tend to believe the ocean does not matter.

After having read Anjali’s interview on page 18 and Wael Al Sayegh’s column on page 12, I feel the same subtext that I earlier failed to understand because of the language barrier, is actually a feeling that requires no alphabet. It touches you if you have an open mind and a generous heart.

Let me know what you think.

 ??  ?? Mrinal Shekar, Deputy Editor Reach me at
Mrinal Shekar, Deputy Editor Reach me at
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