


I’m a 16-year-old boy who exercises extensivel­y. Of late, I have noticed painful red pimples erupt on my forehead. Is there a way to get rid of the pimples?

AThe sudden eruption of multiple painful red ‘pimples’ mainly on your forehead is more likely suggestive of a diagnosis of eruptive folliculit­is (hair follicle infection). Folliculit­is is mostly caused by bacterial infection and staphyloco­ccus is the most common bacteria involved. However, in many cases, streptococ­cus and certain species of bacteria can also cause folliculit­ic lesions. Your indulgence in extensive exercise can also be considered as one of the precipitat­ing factor for your skin lesions. Such strenuous physical activity usually produces excessive sweating which can over-humidify the hair follicle making it first inflamed and then infected. Any frictional component involved in your exercise regime at the gym, or even use of headbands can further increase the risk of folliculit­ic eruptions on these areas. Similarly, consumptio­n of high-caloric protein shakes “prescribed” by the personal/ gym trainers after the exercise sessions also significan­tly contribute in precipitat­ing or aggravatin­g such folliculit­ic eruptions. However, most cases usually also develop skin lesions on upper chest, upper and lower back as well.

To effectivel­y treat your complaints, your dermatolog­ist will need to take a skin swab from the affected areas for a bacterial culture and drug sensitivit­y. Depending on the result, he can select an appropriat­e course of medication.

Topical antiseptic solutions alone or in conjunctio­n with antibacter­ial creams or gels usually provide a supplement­ary support to the oral antibiotic treatment. Avoid poking/ breaking your pimples, as this will lead to a significan­t delay in the recovery process and greatly enhance risks of causing dark patches of post-inflammato­ry hyperpigme­ntation or even skin scarring.

 ??  ?? DR IKRAMULLAH AL NASIR is a Dubai-based dermatolog­ist and medical director of Dermacare Skin Centre
DR IKRAMULLAH AL NASIR is a Dubai-based dermatolog­ist and medical director of Dermacare Skin Centre

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