


Prep time 1 hour Cooking time 10 mins Serves 4-6



150g chilled butter, diced

2 tsp fresh thyme

2 tsp fresh oregano

2 bunches asparagus, trimmed and coarsely chopped

2 tsp lemon juice

Finely grated parmesan (optional), to serve


300g semolina flour, plus extra for dusting (2 cups)

75g plain flour, plus extra for dusting (½ cup)

4 eggs

BEEF BACON AND PARMESAN FILLING 80g beef bacon, finely chopped 60g coarsely grated parmesan 40g breadcrumb­s from a crusty white loaf, crusts removed 2-3 tbsp milk


For pasta dough, process ingredient­s and a pinch of salt in a food processor until a dough forms. Add a couple of teaspoons of water, if necessary to bring it together. Turn out onto a lightly floured surface and knead until smooth, 2-3 mins. Cover with plastic wrap and rest for 30-40 mins.

For beef bacon and parmesan filling, combine ingredient­s in a bowl and season to taste. Divide pasta dough into 6 and, working with a piece at a time (keep remaining covered), roll through a pasta machine on the widest setting a few times, folding as you go, to laminate the dough, then dust if necessary with a little flour to prevent sticking. Continue rolling and folding, reducing settings notch by notch until pasta is a long thin sheet about 9cm wide. Cut sheets into 8cm-9cm squares and place a teaspoonfu­l of filing in the centre of each. Working with a square at a time, brush edges with a little water and fold into a triangle, gently pushing out air and pressing around filling to seal. Brush tips with a little water, then bring to the centre, and press together to seal. Place on a tray dusted with semolina flour and repeat with remaining dough and filling. Cappellacc­i can be made up to a day ahead, covered and refrigerat­ed before cooking. Heat a wide deep frying pan over high heat. Add butter and cook, swirling pan occasional­ly, until butter is nut-brown and foaming, 3-5 mins. Add herbs and season to taste.

Cook cappellacc­i and asparagus in a large saucepan of boiling salted water until pasta is al dente and asparagus is bright green, 2-3 mins. Drain, then add to brown butter along with lemon juice and toss to coat well. Serve scattered with parmesan.

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