
The zit list


Stop touching

One of the easiest habits your teen can adopt is to stop touching their face. Easier said than done, but the less frequently their hands are on their face, the fewer germs and dirt are being spread on the skin.

To pop or not to pop?

Of course we all know we shouldn’t pop spots, but sometimes the urge to get rid of a pustule is just too much. So if they are going to do it then make sure they’re doing it the best way. It’s important their hands are clean and that they use a piece of tissue rather than digging into the skin with their nails. Get them to use the pads of their index fingers to push the skin around the spot together and then wipe away any pus. Apply an antiseptic oil, such as Tea Tree, directly onto the skin afterwards using a cotton bud.

Wash wash wash

We don’t want to up your laundry load but keeping bed linen – especially pillows and towels – clean can really help with problemati­c skin, so make sure you’re washing anything that comes into contact with their skin as frequently as you can.

To the doctor you go

A few minor breakouts can easily be treated and remedied with drugstore products, but if your teenager gets larger patches of very aggressive acne then take them to see a doctor or dermatolog­ist. They will check the overall health of your teen, make sure there aren’t any underlying issues causing the problem, and may prescribe medication.

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