
Easy eats for kids


With processed foods becoming an integral part of our kids’ lunches, there is a constant fear of the effects of excess sugar/salt on their health. In a two-page advertoria­l, Friday speaks to Hunter Foods’ Managing Director Ananya Narayan and Marketing Director Yan Narayan for guidelines on how pressed-for-time parents can make better dietary choices for their children and family

Be it at home to answer the ‘I’m hungry’ cry, or to pack away in little lunchboxes for school, you need to feel confident about the meals you are feeding your children. Incorporat­ing fruits and vegetables along with starchy foods, protein, dairy and beverages – all the while making food fun enough that fussy kids won’t turn their noses up at it – is no small challenge. And life can get pretty busy for career-savvy parents, which means mealtimes can be quite stressful.

But healthy, energy-boosting meals and snacks that are quick and simple to put together need not be a distant dream.

From breakfasts to kickstart the day to snacks that will rev up energy levels, here are fuss-free ways to feed your child.

BREAKFAST: Processed cereals might be a go-to breakfast, but they are piled high with sugar. Opt instead for porridge made with rolled oats or quinoa topped with a few berries for that added taste and nutrition. Smoothies can work as a great breakfast too, and is also a great way to sneak in fruits into your little picky eater’s diet. Add berries,

bananas and seeds from the Hunter Foods’ range – pick from chia, flax and amaranth for a good mix.

MID-MORNING SNACK: ‘But carrots are for rabbits’ – is this something you hear often when your kids refuse to eat raw veggies you so diligently pack in their lunchboxes? Delicious dips are a solution. Create a batch with your kids and see how fast they polish off those slices of raw veg. If you’re pressed for time, then Hunter Foods’ carefully selected healthy snacks – from wholegrain corn or beetroot chips to brown rice crackers – can ensure you are

Delicious dips are a great solution for kids who hate veggies. Create a batch with your kids and see how fast they polish off slices of raw veg

not plagued with guilt for not fulfilling their nutritiona­l needs.

LUNCH: Playing, learning and focusing takes up so much strength. Tuna or salmon (fresh or canned in spring water) work great to keep energy levels high. Mix some flaked fish with wholewheat pasta and sweetcorn (check to see there’s no added sugar) with a little mayonnaise for a delish lunch.

Bread and turkey sandwiches can get boring pretty quickly, which is where Hunter Foods’ range of Multi-Cereal Cakes, Brown Rice Crackers and Nairn’s Oatcakes comes in. Add some cream cheese or peanut butter and you have great bread substitute­s for filling hungry bellies and keeping them alert and active through the day.

SNACKS: High-sugar foods cause a peak in glucose followed by a dip – cue tired, moody kids. Swap the flour biscuits and chocolate milk with oats and a smoothie to keep blood sugar levels steady. For some dairy, fruit yogurt or cubes of cheese, or a small chilled bottle of milk, work well. Or go for Hunter’s Gourmet Mixed Vegetable, Beetroot and Mixed Fruit Chips or Baked Pretzos – easy eats for little fingers, and so full of flavour.

DESSERT: Instead of chocolate cupcakes and raspberry jelly doughnuts from your neighbourh­ood bakery, opt for nutritious Roasted Coconut Chips to satisfy both nutritiona­l profile and sweet tooth. Your child won’t feel deprived with various flavours such as Vanilla Caramel, Dark Chocolate and even Wasabi for those who like the pungent taste.


Don’t forget to pack a bottle of water with their lunchbox. Bottle up some coconut water (with no sugar) too for them – great for rehydratio­n.

 ??  ?? Hunter Foods is a Dubai-based snacks and foods company, offering you the widest range of high-quality products, believing in Better For You ingredient­s and processes in all aspects
Hunter Foods is a Dubai-based snacks and foods company, offering you the widest range of high-quality products, believing in Better For You ingredient­s and processes in all aspects

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