


Serves 4

Prep time 20 (plus resting) Cooking time 35 mins


60g butter

1 tbsp of olive oil

1 chopped beef sausage

200g sweet potato, peeled and grated 1 capsicum, thinly sliced

1 corn cob, kernels removed

2 tsp Cajun spice mix

2 cups mashed potato

1 cup blanched green cabbage

2 green onions, finely chopped

4 tbsp grated cheese


Chopped cherry tomatoes

Sour cream


Preheat the to 200°C. In a large deep, heavy based pan, heat butter and oil together on a medium heat. Sauté beef sausage, sweet potato and bellpepper for 3-4 mins.

Add corn and spice and sauté for another 3-4 mins or until fragrant. Stir in mash, cabbage and onions. Season and mix well.

Reduce the heat. Spread the mixture in a pan and press down with a spatula. Weigh down with a second pan and cook.

Remove pan, sprinkle with cheese. Bake, uncovered for 10-15 mins until golden. Rest in pan for 15 mins. Top with tomato, sour cream, coriander and onion and serve.

Tip: This is a great dinner for using up leftover mash. If making from scratch, you will need 2 large potatoes (400g).

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