


Prep time 20 mins Cooking time 35 mins Serves 4


1 tbsp olive oil

2 beef bacon rashers, thinly sliced 1 chopped onion

400g chopped tomatoes

2 tbsp treacle

2 tbsp brown sugar

2 tsp mustard powder

2 garlic cloves, chopped

1 red chilli, sliced

2 bay leaves 1 tbsp red grape vinegar 4 eggs


Rocket leaves

Feta cheese Buttered toast


In a large, heavy-based, deep frying pan, heat oil on a medium heat. Sauté beef bacon and onion for 6-8 mins, or until the beef is browned and the onion softens. Stir in the tomatoes, treacle, sugar, mustard, garlic, chilli and bay leaves. Bring to a simmer. Reduce the heat to low and simmer, covered, for 15 mins. Add beans and vinegar. Simmer, uncovered, 4-5 mins, until the sauce thickens. Season to taste.

Using a large spoon, make four ‘wells’ in the mixture. Crack an egg into each well. Cook covered for 3-4 mins, until eggwhites are completely set. Scatter with rocket leaves and crumble feta over. Serve with toast.

Tip: this dish would also work well as a vegetarian meal – just swap the beef bacon for 200g of sliced button mushrooms.

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