
Sugar or fat-free items


Low-fat fruit yogurts, sugar-free drinks, fat-free desserts... while these might be free of some ingredient­s, they aren’t necessaril­y free from the bad stuff. Plantbased nutritioni­st and wellness profession­al Terri Chrisman (fabuloushe­ tells us why

The health impact

When a packaged food is labelled free-from or sugar free, it usually has something else in it to make up for what is missing. Food manufactur­ers’ whole purpose is to sell products, and some do so without thought for people’s longterm health.

For example, many free-from products are highly processed, low in fibre, high in sugar and fat. Sugar-free products can have artificial sweeteners that mimic the taste of the missing sugar.

When looking at sugar-free options, choose products that are sweetened with natural plants such as stevia. Some companies say their products are refined-sugar free and instead use beets, fruit juice or dates to sweeten. These sweeteners react the same way in the body as sugar.

It is important for parents and children to learn how to read nutrition labels. First look at the ingredient­s list. If it is very long with things you don’t know or understand, it’s probably best to pass on it. If the first or second item on the list is sugar or fat, it is probably not a great choice.

What to swap it for?

Children over three are perfectly suited to drinking water. There is no need for commercial­ly prepared fruit juice, sugar-free or otherwise.

If parents find it difficult to get their kids to eat vegetables, juicing fresh veg with some fruit is a great way to make them more palatable.

Over free-from foods, the best foods are those naturally grown. Like fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds (in moderation), legumes and whole grains.

Eat mostly whole foods and eat packaged foods only occasional­ly. Involve children in the food preparatio­n process to teach them valuable skills and they will be better prepared for a life of fabulous health.

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