

- MrinalShek­ar, Editor Reach me at

There is no denying that power is quite intoxicati­ng. It is potent enough to blur your sense of judgement, blunt your wisdom and worst of all, it has the potential to turn you into a short-sighted person who is not only unable to create a legacy, but finds it difficult to create any sort of positive impact on those around.

But don’t get me wrong, I am not dissing power. Just like parenting, privilege and money, power too is like a sharp knife. It is all about how you wield it. Get reckless and you could lose more than just your finger – you could lose your soul.

As I read the feature ‘How to deal with demanding bosses’ (page 22), I felt decisionma­kers, bosses and all those with any form of power need to be like alchemists – people who bring together the strengths of all those who are their subordinat­es so that they are able to create a harmonious chemistry of teamwork. They should not be smiths who beat or burn down our spirit and create battered beings, I believe.

So the question is, what defines a good boss? I don’t really know. Having said that, what I do understand is that it asks for a long checklist of skill sets.

The most important and the most difficult to achieve is being secure. After climbing the corporate ladder – I call it corporate cannibalis­m – some people quite often look over their shoulder more often than they look ahead. Suspicious, hesitant and almost territoria­l, they morph into beings with a monstrous attitude and a dwarfed vision, completely incapable of leading by example, or even building a team.

While Mike Peake has listed a gamut of ways to deal with overly demanding bosses in the feature, the one that stood

Bosses should be like alchemists who bring together the strengths of their subordinat­es to create harmonious chemistry of teamwork

out for me was empowering yourself. From stepping back to understand the reason behind the tirade and then addressing it in a calm, logical manner to exercising some introspect­ion just so that you get a better perspectiv­e on the work dynamics you share with your boss, they are all ways to turn conflicts into collaborat­ions.

And if nothing works, there is always charm. A quality I believe has the power to disarm some of the most vicious of people.

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