
Friendship tips


Build your self-confidence

Liking yourself before going off in search of friends is an important step to building healthy relationsh­ips. ‘Think about what you like about yourself. When you're comfortabl­e with yourself, it shines out of you,’ says Linda Blair

Find something you feel passionate about

Join a language class if you love languages or volunteer outdoors if you love nature.

‘You’ll be more likely to develop friendship­s with people that you have a shared interest with,’ adds Tanya Dharmashar­i.

Put yourself out there

Remember, nothing ventured, nothing gained. ‘It isn't that you lose if you meet someone and it doesn't fit for a friendship. That's not losing, that's having tried,’ comforts Linda. That involves saying yes to invitation­s and events reminds Tanya. ‘The more you interact with people and make new connection­s, the more you will create new experience­s.’

Meet in a neutral place

Once you have taken the first step and are moving on to meeting outside the initial environmen­t where you made a connection, chose a neutral public space. This can lessen the pressures that, say, hosting at home can bring, and give you time to focus on each other.

Ask questions

‘If you want to be popular, ask people about themselves and listen sincerely when they answer. A good listener is rare these days. It is the best passport you could possibly have to friendship,’ says Linda.

But also be willing and open to share your experience­s, advises Tanya. ‘While this can be a scary thought, it is one of the first steps in developing a sharing and interactiv­e relationsh­ip.’

Don’t expect too much

A common mistake is expecting too much from one person. It is more realistic and healthier to have a variety of friends for different reasons.

Try social media meet-up groups

There are many groups that are created for expats or are based on shared interests, recommends Tanya. ‘Join in and attend the groups - you may meet people that are experienci­ng the same desire to make friends as you!’

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