
The boss who never gives positive feedback


‘Recognitio­n is an important psychologi­cal need,’ says Jefferys, ‘and yet many leaders underestim­ate the power and necessity of positive feedback – which can result in employees feeling unapprecia­ted, unmotivate­d and undervalue­d.’

There may be many reasons why your boss never sings your praises: the first is he/she is simply too busy to really take notice of what you are up to: they’re actually confident you’re getting the job done. ‘If so, it’s up to you to put your achievemen­ts on their radar,’ says Jefferys. ‘Put a regular catch-up in their diary so that you have more chances to share what you’ve been up to than your annual performanc­e review. Asking for their feedback will make them feel valued, too, so it’s a win-win.’

Alternativ­ely, it might be that your boss has not been used to being praised in their own career. You can set the example by managing up and providing authentic appreciati­on where appropriat­e. ‘Tell your boss when you think they’ve done something great,’ says Jefferys.

‘And if the truth of the matter is that praising employees is just not your boss’s style, then you may need to look elsewhere for the validation you need.’ Keeping a ‘Kudos File’ is an excellent start. ‘Keep a note of all the good stuff said by colleagues and clients throughout the year so you can draw on it when needed. And perhaps there is someone else who can act as a mentor to you, who can provide feedback on your work aside from your boss? Many people are thrilled to be asked.’

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