
The boss who thinks holidays are for wimps


‘Time off is super important,’ says Jefferys. ‘We all need time to rest, recharge, rebalance and recalibrat­e. And far from detracting from your career, these regular breaks will give you the energy, focus and perspectiv­e to achieve even more and prevent burnout.’

When this need for time out is not supported in the workplace it can be very stressful, she says – and even create feelings of guilt about booking holidays.

‘The first thing to remember is that each of us sees the world differentl­y,’ says Jefferys. ‘We have our own ‘map’ which is shaped by our values, experience­s and beliefs. No two maps are the same and yet they are all valid and good – so long as we don’t try to impose our map onto someone else.

‘If your boss doesn’t see holidays as important to them, then that’s fine. Whatever the reason, they are entitled to hold this view – but not to impose it onto others.’

It is important, she asserts, that you are able to stay true to your map – and to book your holidays guilt-free.

‘Keep booking your holidays, and let the boss’ comments wash over you,’ says Jefferys. ‘You can even acknowledg­e that you are sorry they feel this way but that holidays are of great importance to you – and that you’ll be more productive as a result of the break.’

If, however, the boss is making it difficult for you to take time off, Jefferys suggests sitting down with him/her and your diary and agreeing the dates together. ‘Put forward your plans and then be prepared for some wiggle-room if there are business issues to work around,’ she says.

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