

Lori Borgman finds the funny in everyday life, writing from the heartland of the US. Now, if she could just find her car keys…


Our columnist Lori Borgman explores her DNA – her Dishware Necessity Attitude.

Ijust saw one of our wedding gifts sold as cheap yard décor. It wasn’t exactly mine, but it was identical to my silver-plated coffee service. The husband and I spent the weekend in a small quaint town where old buildings, filled with restaurant­s, boutiques and gift shops, line the streets. It is a restful place. A peaceful place. A place where a pleasant calm slowly takes you in – until you see the same silver-plated coffee service you have at home welded to a silver tray, anchored to a metal rod, jammed in the ground and billed as a garden ornament.

“I can’t believe it!” I exclaim.

“I can’t either,” said the husband. “I didn’t know it was going to rain.”

The husband doesn’t have the same fire in him that I do about dishes. I come from a long line of women who appreciate fine dishware. We love pretty dishes and handing down pretty dishes to the next generation.

It’s in our DNA (Dishware Necessity Attitude). Looking at the replica of my silverplat­ed coffee service now disgraced and masqueradi­ng as a garden ornament, I see that it needs polishing.

I could fix that relic by dashing back to the hotel and grabbing my cosmetic bag. Anybody who knows dishware knows you can use toothpaste to clean silver.

The husband suggests that if I start smearing toothpaste on someone’s “work of art,” it could upset the small artisan colony and I would be to blame.

I defer to his judgment, although reluctantl­y. And with thoughts of returning after dark with my whitening tartar-control toothpaste.

Seeing our wedding gifts as yard décor isn’t truly a surprise. It’s been years since we’ve been invited to a wedding where the bride registered for fine dishware. Couples today register for huge popcorn tubs, board games and even camping gear, but not fancy dishes.

I asked a recent bride-to-be if she and her fiancé had any interest in china. She said, “Yes, but we’d like to visit India first.”

Nobody cares about nice dishes because everyone is eating out. “Takeout” is now considered a food group.

I get it. Paper plates are often on my shopping list. They’re convenient and make for easy cleanup. But still. Still.

There are times when a meal is not about saving time. There are times when a meal is about enjoying heirlooms, loveliness, candles with wax rolling down the sides and lingering over coffee and dessert.

I had three great aunts who lived most of their adult lives together. When we visited, they often used their beautiful crystal. My mother routinely broke out in a sweat terrified my

There are times when a meal is about enjoying heirlooms, loveliness, candles with wax rolling down the sides and lingering over dessert

brother or I would bite a piece right out of a goblet.

We never did. They were right to risk using the “good dishes.”

Special things don’t belong shut in a drawer, sitting on a shelf or stuffed in a closet. They are meant to be used and enjoyed – preferably in the house, not in the garden.


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