

- DR VL SHYAM is a Dubai-based Ayurveda practition­er

Q I have been diagnosed with high blood pressure. Is there a natural remedy for controllin­g blood pressure? Please advise.

ABlood pressure is determined by the amount of blood our heart pumps and the amount of resistance to blood flow in the arteries.

The more blood your heart pumps and the narrower your arteries, the higher your blood pressure. Normal blood pressure is 120/80 mm Hg or lower; 140/90 or higher is high blood pressure; 120 to 139/80 to 89 is pre-hypertensi­on. In 90 per cent of high blood pressure cases in adults, there’s no identifiab­le cause. With ageing, we face a natural increase in Vata (one of the life forces) that results in higher BP, which modern medicine terms primary hypertensi­on. About 10 per cent of high blood pressure cases are related to underlying conditions like kidney and thyroid diseases, hyper cholestero­l, sleep apnea, certain congenital heart defects, certain medication­s such as birth control pills, cold remedies, decongesta­nts and some prescripti­on drugs.

The treatment goal for most adults is to get and maintain blood pressure below 140/90 mmHg. You should follow a healthy eating plan (eat whole, fresh, unrefined, and unprocesse­d foods. Include fruits, vegetables, garlic, onion, whole grains, soy, beans, seeds, nuts). Activities such as walking, swimming, cycling and low-impact aerobics should be the core of your exercise program. Maintain a healthy weight; quit smoking; manage stress; yoga and/or pranayama are healthy lifestyle modificati­ons that can help you control high BP.

You may consume milk boiled with 5-10 grams of garlic as a home remedy.

There are several herbs that can help hypertensi­on. Certain ayurvedic preparatio­ns too are very helpful in treating hypertensi­on as are some therapies. Meet an Ayurvedic doctor in person for a detailed consultati­on.

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