

May 21 – June 20


You don’t really think about it, but your inquisitiv­e nature, your genuine interest in what’s going on in the world around you and in the lives of others means that, without actually making an effort, you’re always up to date. In fact, people will often come to you when they need to know what’s happening, or simply when they need to hear some entertaini­ng stories about life in the world around them, around you, and in the world you share.

However, when it comes to changes in your own life, you can be somewhat less enthusiast­ic. This is partly because there’s so much swirling on around you, in your life and in your mind, that achieving and maintainin­g a certain amount of stability can be challengin­g. However, with a powerful planetary presence in the portions of your chart that have to do with alteration­s in your day-today habits, in the way you live, in the way you work, your activities out in the world, and especially in your closest of alliances, you’re definitely in for some exciting developmen­ts.

First, with Jupiter the planet that’s all about growth, exploratio­n and just plain good fortune moving into the part of your chart that accents all forms of close alliances, from romantic connection­s, from long-lasting partners at work or at home, or even with new connection­s, or with those who represent you in some way, these individual­s won’t just play an important role in your life – they may actually corner you into making changes you’ve been resisting. Again, as an inquisitiv­e Gemini, you’re always interested in what’s going on, so give the impression you’re ready – if not eager – to make changes. But when it comes down to it, often you’ll drag your feet simply because you can’t quite figure out how it would work.

And this is the strange and rather stubborn side of your nature that you’ll be facing, and working on, during 2019. What’s most important is to recognise that with, on one hand, Jupiter accenting close alliances, on the other hand, Uranus, which is all about innovation, moves into the part of your chart that has to do with behind the scenes manoeuvres on March 6. Uranus is one of the slower moving planets of the zodiac, and it remains in that portion of your chart for a lengthy period of time until 2025, so by no means will you need to do or deal with everything this year.

Yet at the same time, if you’re to make the best of this cycle, you’re encouraged to note those place where your stubborn side comes out, and to reflect on situations of that nature. This isn’t just because of the influence of Uranus, it’s also worth noting that with Mars, which is a planet of action, courage and ego, actually moving into your Gemini on March 31, and remaining there for about six weeks, until May 15, you’ll find that it’s time for you to begin to review certain elements of your life and certain habits that you’ve never actually considered altering or doing differentl­y. Because you haven’t viewed them as something you could change, the option has never occurred to you. Now it will.

This also takes us to the next major focus for 2019, which is the emphasis on the practical side of life. You sometimes regard these matters – from finances to carefully managing your time, as dull. And, in the past, they were. But as you begin the year, both the practical Saturn and Pluto, the planet of transforma­tion, will be in the down to earth Capricorn. Then, in early March, Uranus, the most inventive planet of them all moves into the earth sign of Taurus. However, for you, the first two weeks of September will be both pivotal and powerful. During this period, your ruler, Mercury, the Sun, Venus, and Mars will all be in the part of your chart that has to do with the structure of your life, and in the earth sign of Virgo. What’s more, during that period of about two weeks, seven of the heavenly bodies will be in earth signs, and if ever there was a time to deal with those practicali­ties, it’s then. While you needn’t actually do everything then, those you meet and the ideas you learn will kick-start an amazing cycle of exploratio­n. Knowing that, balance that sociable side of your nature, that part that enjoys discussing new ideas, with the part that will need to, and want to, deal with practicali­ties during 2019. Focus on achieving that balance, and not only will you benefit, you’ll find yourself enjoying every day of this exciting year.

When it comes down to it, often you’ll drag your feet... And this is the strange and stubborn side of your nature that you’ll be facing, and working on, during 2019

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