

Don’t make a habit of berating yourself, set manageable goals, take regular exercise and try your hand at gardening


Check negative self-talk

How we value and perceive ourselves and our abilities is believed to be strongly tied to influences in childhood. A recent longitudin­al study following nearly 9,000 participan­ts in the US from birth to age 27 found that family environmen­t (covering parenting, cognitive stimulatio­n and physical home environmen­t) in childhood, and especially in the first six years of life, has a long-term impact on self-esteem. The first step to achieving healthy self-esteem as an adult, suggests the UK’s NHS, is to challenge negative beliefs you have about yourself, perhaps by writing down self-critical thoughts and the evidence against them, or by speaking to yourself the way you would of a friend.

Don’t compare yourself with others

It’s impossible to get an accurate view of other people, says the clinical psychologi­st Linda Blair, especially from their online presence. ‘You’re comparing yourself with a fantasy, and that will lead to either excessive striving or disappoint­ment.’ She advises focusing on what you yourself want to accomplish instead. Her other advice is to ‘get rid of the word ‘should’’. People can put a lot of effort into what they think others want or expect from them, which they may have misjudged - a recipe for unhappines­s, she says.

Take care of yourself

Low self-esteem can sometimes lead to neglect of physical health. The mental health charity Mind recommends considerin­g any negative impacts on your life of stress, exercise, sleep, diet and drugs and alcohol. Addressing issues you may have with your diet or substances can have a significan­t effect on your sense of self-worth.

Set yourself manageable goals

Aiming for too-ambitious a goal can be

setting yourself up for failure, and knocking your self-confidence even if you have taken big steps towards it. A sense of accomplish­ment is key to maintainin­g your pride, says Blair, who suggests setting short- to mid-term goals.

Challenge yourself

Although keeping to your comfort zone can offer short-term relief, it can backfire in the long term, says Chris Williams, professor of psychosoci­al psychiatry at the University of Glasgow. “It teaches you the unhelpful rule that the only way to cope is by avoiding things.” Think of that boost you feel once you tick off a challenge.


Physical activity has been found to positively influence self-esteem and wellbeing. A 2016 study found that physical activity, perceived physical fitness and body image play an important role in self-esteem, and recommende­d that “regular physical activity should be promoted, in particular among adults reporting lower self-esteem”.

Take up gardening

Research published in the Journal of Public Health in 2015 found that just one session of gardening in an allotment yielded significan­t improvemen­ts in mood and self-esteem. If an allotment isn’t an option and you don’t have your own garden, search online for nearby gardening groups.

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