


Lebanese expat Youmna Ghaziri got the shock of her life when her eldest daughter Lynn was diagnosed with Erythromel­algia (EM) at the age of eight. Commonly known as the ‘Man on Fire’ syndrome, the condition causes Lynn’s skin to swell and turn hot, and her fingers and toes to become numb and her hands and feet to burn with pain.

Until then, Lynn was a happy little girl attending regular school in Dubai. ‘Shortly after her eighth birthday, Lynn started complainin­g of pain in the soles of her feet. She attended classical ballet classes twice a week, so I thought it was due to dancing. But the reddening went on for hours; cooling down for a short time, only to burn again. I would put the air-conditione­r at the coldest temperatur­e until it felt like we were living in an igloo. Lynn would dip her feet and hands in cold water but the water would get warm from her burning skin,’ remembers Youmna, who has been living in Dubai for the past four years.

The flares began to increase, triggered by simple movement and temperatur­e change. Lynn kept missing school because of the unbearable pain.

‘We searched for months for a doctor who would diagnose her properly. We travelled with her to meet doctors around the world. Finally a doctor in Boston identified that she had EM. The bigger shocker was when we found out it was incurable but can only be managed to ease the pain,’ says Youmna.

EM is a condition that affects one in a 100,000 people and unfortunat­ely, there are no other registered similar cases in the Middle East or Arab world. Youmna had no choice but to pull Lynn out of school and start homeschool­ing her.

One day, she and Lynn were brainstorm­ing on how to bring awareness about such a rare disease. ‘Lynn herself came up with the idea of painting our hands red and challengin­g others to do it. The red paint symbolises the red colour of her skin while she’s flaring.’

Thus the concept of the Red Hand Challenge (RHC) was born. Participan­ts have to dip their hands in Red paint (or ketchup), make an imprint on a white paper plate (or any white background) and post it on social media while tagging three other friends along with the hashtag #RedHandCha­llenge.

‘We encourage people to be creative about it with videos. They can also talk about their own experience­s with other rare diseases and help in spreading much needed awareness’, says Youmna. Already,

Youmna’s husband Ziad Ghaziri is the cornerston­e of the RHC campaign. Besides spreading the word, he takes care of most of the logistics whenever they are hosting an awareness campaign. ‘He even babysits Lara when Lynn and I are out at awareness events.’

Youmna also started a blog called the Fire Fighter mom where she pens down her experience­s to share with the world.

 ??  ?? there are over 400 posts on Facebook and Instagram, with support pouring in from friends, family and complete strangers from all corners of the world.Her other daughter, 20-month-old Lara, hasn’t been tested for EM since neither parents nor her sister have the gene mutation responsibl­e for primary EM.‘Lynn’s case is idiopathic meaning that doctors don’t know what caused it. Knowing that we don’t have the gene mutation was reassuring for me but it is Lynn who worries about her sister and says she doesn’t wish that kind of pain to anyone,’ says Youmna.The Red Hand Challenge invites participan­ts to dip their hands in red paint or ketchup, make an imprint on a white paper plate or white background and post it on social media tagging three friends and hashtaggin­g #RedHandCha­llenge
there are over 400 posts on Facebook and Instagram, with support pouring in from friends, family and complete strangers from all corners of the world.Her other daughter, 20-month-old Lara, hasn’t been tested for EM since neither parents nor her sister have the gene mutation responsibl­e for primary EM.‘Lynn’s case is idiopathic meaning that doctors don’t know what caused it. Knowing that we don’t have the gene mutation was reassuring for me but it is Lynn who worries about her sister and says she doesn’t wish that kind of pain to anyone,’ says Youmna.The Red Hand Challenge invites participan­ts to dip their hands in red paint or ketchup, make an imprint on a white paper plate or white background and post it on social media tagging three friends and hashtaggin­g #RedHandCha­llenge

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