



Q Are there any remedies for reversing atheroscle­rosis?

A Our healthy arteries are flexible and elastic. Arterioscl­erosis occurs when these arteries become thick, due to the buildup of fats, cholestero­l and other substances and sometimes restrict blood flow to your organs and tissues. High blood pressure, high cholestero­l, high triglyceri­des, smoking, insulin resistance, obesity or diabetes, inflammati­on from diseases such as arthritis, lupus or infections can initiate an atheroscle­rosis formation. Atheroscle­rosis develops gradually. The effects of atheroscle­rosis differ depending upon which arteries narrow and become clogged with plaque.

When atheroscle­rosis narrows the arteries to the heart, one may develop coronary artery disease, chest pain (angina), a heart attack or heart failure. When it narrows the arteries to your brain, carotid artery disease, which can cause a transient ischemic attack (TIA) or stroke can result. When atheroscle­rosis narrows the arteries in the arms or legs, you may develop circulatio­n problems in your arms and legs called peripheral artery disease while narrowing of arteries to your kidneys can result in high blood pressure or kidney failure.

Reversing atheroscle­rosis is possible, but it needs drastic changes in lifestyle and food habits too. Eating healthy foods, exercising regularly and maintainin­g a healthy weight, quitting smoking are recommende­d.

Atheroscle­rosis is treated with different herbal combinatio­ns in Ayurveda depending on the site of manifestat­ion.

Meet an Ayurveda doctor for a prescripti­on. There are several formulatio­ns that can help with atheroscle­rosis. Studies on these combinatio­ns show improvemen­t in endothelia­l function of blood vessels and they improve other cardiovasc­ular and metabolic parameters and biomarker levels.

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