

- Mrinal Shekar, Editor Reach me at

We all know Ugly has a history. For centuries (yes,

social media joined the conversati­on) the term has evoked extreme reactions from all and sundry. Whether it is to do with physical disfigurem­ent, age, body weight and shape, or dusky complexion­s, ugly has fuelled wars of words and opinions.

Things haven’t changed much, perspectiv­es even less. Thanks to social media and its intense and skewed impact on the way we view the world, we no longer believe beauty is an out-of-reach ideal. It is real and possible. And hence, we believe no one should be ugly. A bigger lie has not been told. While on one hand, physical beauty is merely visceral, a perspectiv­e, ugly is what is real and inclusive.

So the point I am making here is that all of us are ugly, period. We all have imperfecti­ons that make us unique, that define us, and therein lies our beauty. However ironical that might sound, there is no denying that our flaws are what make us fabulous.

Photograph­er Waleed Shah’s muses for his Rock Your Ugly campaign are beautiful proofs of courage and self-acceptance (read testimonia­ls from five of them on page 20). While Waleed’s raw, unedited images make for a strong statement, the stories of each of the people featured in the campaign validate that behind every shiny visage lies a darkness that is coarse and fragile

– what we call ugly. Accepting it is the first step towards empowermen­t. And turning it into a strength makes it an inspiratio­n for all those who battle their own imperfecti­ons alone, within themselves, scared of judgement.

And that is the power of ugly – it creates a community of equals, each combating fears, wearing scars as medals of honour and celebratin­g all that we have overcome.

While on one hand, physical beauty is merely visceral, a perspectiv­e, ugly is real and it is inclusive. So the point I am making here is that all of us are ugly, period

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