
There are no losers in this game of life

- Mrinal Shekar, Editor Reach me at

Did you always know your path? What about grades? Did you always ace your exams in school? How many medals did you get in your extra-curricular­s? Was your body shape ever a topic of dinner table conversati­on? And last but not the least, did you ever fear rejection?

This volley of questions was recently emailed to me by a 14-year-old school-going boy, who apart from being curious about the woman in the picture on the left, also admitted to fighting a battle on multiple fronts – weight, grades, choice of career and self-worth, included.

You might be shrugging your shoulders and wondering, what's new about this. Haven't we all gone through this baptism of fire? Isn't this what we call adolescenc­e? Just like puberty acne, this too shall pass, you might say.

It does not.

It's a jungle out there where feral beasts like ageism, sexism, weightism, complexion­ism, classism, successism are out to get you. And the harsh reality is this fight for survival never ends. As we grow older, we continue to battle criticism, judgement, ridicule, sarcasm, disappoint­ment, pain and a persistent sense of inadequacy.

So what's the way out, if there is one? Hard work, continuing to show up and taking pride in your work. A case in point is Lauren Wasser, a double amputee model who not only fought death and disease but is now

It’s a jungle out there where feral beasts like ageism, sexism, weightism, complexion­ism, classism, successism are out to get you. And the harsh reality is this fight for survival never ends.

ruling the runway with her confidence and positivism. In the interview on page 24, Lauren admits to having bouts of dark days but says it also gives her a sense of purpose – to fight body diversity.

And if you are wondering what was my reply to the 14-year-old who wrote in, then it was similar to what Lauren embodies. Find your fire, stoke it with hard work and dedication, and never let loose chatter douse it.

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