
A ‘Bond’ for life


It was the 1980s, a time when the only place romance throbbed for prepuberty kids was in the pages of a book. And Ruskin Bond ensured kids across India fell in love. It it wasn't with the English language, it was with life and its little moments. His slice-of-life stories and lucid style propelled us into a fairytale world that felt familiar, never foreign. But that wasn’t all. The author’s name had us equally fascinated.

Now let me context this for those who are internet natives. I am talking of a time when our unbridled imaginatio­n was all we had to paint a picture of ‘truth’ in our heads as we did not know of a machine called a computer and I don’t think the word internet was even mentioned in the Oxford English Dictionary at the time. In such a scenario, a name as exotic as Ruskin Bond stood for a suave, swashbuckl­ing assistant spy to the other more iconic Bond, and one who in all probabilit­y moonlighte­d as an author of children’s books in his downtime. Either that, or as a friend used to believe, the name was a fancy alias of an otherwise ‘ordinary’ man hoping to live vicariousl­y through his fictitious name. (Ignore the scepticism.)

Cut to the 90s when the world wide web, cable television and media collective­ly gave us easy access to our idols and role models, and we came to know the real Ruskin Bond. Honestly, we were part overawed, part curious. What was a loveable elderly Englishman, with melancholy in his eyes and poignancy in his demeanour, doing in the hinterland­s of the Himalayas? Did he get left behind by his countrymen when they left India?

A name as exotic as Ruskin Bond stood for a suave, swashbuckl­ing assistant spy to the other more iconic Bond, and one who in all probabilit­y moonlighte­d as an author of children’s books in his downtime

Irrelevant questions. What is most relevant is that this 88-year-old grand daddy of English literature in India continues to write, ignite imaginatio­ns and, more importantl­y, teach how to seek strength from our failings and fears.

Read our exclusive interview with the author on page 12 and let me know what you think…

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 ?? Mrinal Shekar, Editor Reach me at ??
Mrinal Shekar, Editor Reach me at

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