


I’m a 14-year-old girl and have a dark neck and it is getting darker by the day. I tried scrubbing it, using different creams but it does not work. I am slightly overweight and trying to reduce weight.

Acanthosis nigricans is a condition which tends to affect people with obesity causing thick, dark velvety skin in the neck, armpits, and groin. It can be found on other parts of the body, including face, chest, elbows, knees, and knuckles. Skin areas with acanthosis nigricans can look dirty or looks like an allergy to ornaments. Scrubbing the skin does not help; rather can irritate it. Acanthosis nigricans skin patches occur when top layer of skin cells begins to reproduce rapidly. This skin cell growth is mostly triggered by high levels of insulin in the blood. Insulin resistance can also be related to polycystic ovarian syndrome; consult a gynecologi­st if menstrual irregulari­ties persist. Eating too much of the wrong foods, especially starches and sugars, can cause insulin resistance. Reducing the circulatin­g insulin by a healthy diet can improve the skin problem. The most common type, obesity-associated acanthosis nigricans, is weight dependent, and pigmentati­on may completely regress with weight reduction. Certain drugs and supplement­s like birth control pills, and other corticoste­roids may also cause acanthosis nigricans. There is no specific treatment for acanthosis nigricans. Treating the underlying cause shall help.

• Eating a healthy diet and getting regular physical activity can help lower insulin levels and improve skin appearance.

• Eat whole grains and plenty of vegetables.

• Drink water or low-fat milk instead of soda, juice, or other sugary drinks.

• Limit processed, fatty and sugary foods.

• Nutritiona­l counseling and losing weight may help; bring down your BMI below 25.

• Take 1 tablespoon each of tomato juice, lemon juice, and curd. Apply for 15-30 minutes and wash off (2-3 times a week). Avoid exposure to sun and use a sun block.

• Try applying Eladi choornam mixed with buttermilk locally for 15-20 minutes before shower.

• Take Thriphala choornam internally on a medical advice

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