


Vascular dementia is caused by reduced blood-flow to the brain, which damages and kills brain cells. It affects around 150,000 people in the UK and affects memory, thinking and behaviour. No amount of brain training can prevent vascular dementia, say experts. However, a healthy lifestyle will offer some protection.

The reduced flow of oxygen-rich blood which causes vascular dementia can be due to blood vessels supplying the brain (such as the carotid arteries) becoming narrow or blocked due to a build-up of fatty deposits and cholestero­l. It can also result from a stroke, in which blood supply to the brain is suddenly cut off, or a series of mini strokes, which temporaril­y interrupt blood supply to parts of the brain.

To reduce your risk, maintain healthy blood pressure, prevent or control diabetes, give up smoking, watch your alcohol intake, stay active and follow a healthy, heart-friendly diet.

Protecting your brain and its blood supply through lifestyle changes ahead of time might reduce your risk of vascular dementia in later life, though it is not yet clear by exactly how much.

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