Golf Digest Middle East

True Vision

A FOCUSED PRE- SHOT ROUTINE AND POSITIVE PRE- SWING IMAGINATIO­N WILL HELP SHAVE SHOTS OFF YOUR SCORE How you use your eyes and vision can have a big impact on your mental and physical performanc­e. Ernie Els worked with vision coach Dr Sheryl Calder on hi

- by martin robinson Photograph­s by Farooq Salik

Keep your head down, right? Wrong says our man from the Monty. by martin robinson

target lock

At the beginning of your pre-shot routine you need to establish a very clear and precise target. Many of us are guilty of just aiming towards the general direction of the fairway, whereas picking a precise target, such as the edge of a building or a window, can really help your mind to settle and focus. Studies have demonstrat­ed a correlatio­n between the last place you look before you swing and where the ball ends up so make sure you have several glances to your target so that it is imprinted in your brain before you swing. This sounds simple but you may be surprised how often your eyes actually look towards potential danger on the course.


The next step is to use your eyes to carefully check your alignment. The clubface should be the first part of the aiming process. Take extra care to ensure it is square to the target and when you are happy you can then bring the feet into position. An extremely common fault I see at this point is the golfer plonking their feet down in the most comfortabl­e position which are often not parallel to the club. Watch the top profession­als closely and you’ll see their eyes flash back and forth between the club and the toes to ensure their alignment is spot on every time.

inner vision

After you have settled in to your final position, and whilst still looking at the ball, you should attempt to see a clear picture in your mind’s eye of your target. If you are able to create a clear image, your visual cortex will be in control and you will find it difficult to have any other significan­t thoughts which makes performing the action a much more unconsciou­s manner, often the way we produce our best. Try retaining the image throughout your entire swing. It’s actually quite difficult but can help to alleviate a wide variety of clutter and negativity that can creep in during your setup and swing.

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