Gulf Business

Creating a private sector in the GCC

Mohamed Ebrahim says Gulf economies must teach entreprene­urs and inspire workers to get residents off the government payroll

- Mohamed Ebrahim

A COUPLE of years ago, Gulf Cooperatio­n Council (GCC) officials were shocked to discover something few believed could even exist locally: budget deficits.

Government spending and low oil prices created a deficit of $28bn in 2016, at which time the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund (IMF) projected it would grow to $350bn by 2021. Oil prices have since risen and government­s have reduced spending, so the IMF has adjusted shortfall expectatio­ns down to $240bn in 2021. Still, the IMF believes 4.4 per cent in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) will be on the high end of GCC economic growth in the region this year, and $240bn is a lot of money.

Many leaders in the GCC ( particular­ly in Saudi Arabia, UAE and Bahrain) have decided that this is no way to run an economy and are taking active measures to slim down – pushing for more innovation, entreprene­urship and private sector diversific­ation. Businesses are encouraged to create new jobs, and students are urged to take them or open their own businesses.

Thanks, but no thanks

It’s a good plan, but there is a wrinkle: too few workers want private sector jobs. According to Gallup’s latest Stateofthe

GlobalWork­place report, 60 per cent or more of residents in the GCC – except for Oman where data was not collected in 2017 – prefer a government job. By way of comparison, so do 30 per cent in the US and Canada, and 26 per cent in Western Europe. Government jobs are thought to provide more job security, fewer working hours, better perks and higher pay than private sector work.

Workers may prefer government jobs, but few of those workers are making particular­ly good use of their potential. Gallup has continuous­ly found a strong connection between employee engagement and higher performanc­e – disengaged workers are less productive, less profitable, less safe, even less healthy than engaged workers – and Gallup finds that only 14 per cent of workers in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) are engaged in their jobs, while more than one in five workers (22 per cent) are actively disengaged.

So for the GCC in particular payrolls are bloated and they’re funding lower-quality work than they should be, but with too few private sector opportunit­ies, people make the easy choice and get a government job. And the government pays for it.

There is a solution. To get workers off the government books and into private sector jobs, leadership needs to make these private sector jobs more appealing, the education system must inspire a growth-mindset in students, and workplace cultures have to aspire toward higher performanc­e.

That may sound daunting, but it’s easier than covering a $240bn shortfall. And if GCC leaders commit to invigorati­ng the private sector, they’ll create a self-sustaining system on which they can rely. But it’s going to take serious, innovative attention in two key areas: nudging our education system forward and pushing for good, private sector jobs.

Nudging our education system

The UAE’s minister of foreign affairs and Internatio­nal Cooperatio­n, Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed, addressed college students in the spring of 2017 saying: “If you want to participat­e in shaping the future, then you need to stop thinking of a government job.” Clearly, GCC leaders know we need more graduates who can join the private sector. Accomplish­ing this requires nudging the education system toward entreprene­urship with three proven strategies: Find and nurture students with entreprene­urial talent. Offer basic entreprene­urial education to all students. Adjust students’ perception­s about the private sector. There are burgeoning entreprene­urs in every classroom. To create private sector businesses, they need someone to spot their talent and invest in it. Gallup analytics finds that successful entreprene­urs tend to have a combinatio­n of talents


for risk-taking, persistenc­e and resilience. Those talents can be scientific­ally selected for; in fact, Gallup has worked with multiple countries to identify high school students with the greatest potential to be successful entreprene­urs.

In addition to finding the business builders, our educationa­l system, primary to university, must be injected with entreprene­urial training. Young builders need classes that teach them how to create and run companies, with culturally specific encouragem­ent that emphasises the value of entreprene­urial talent.

To that end, officials should publicly promote the idea that private sector work is high-status work, perhaps even patriotic work. Some public policy experts have even floated the idea of reserving government jobs for people who have worked in the private sector for a certain number of years. That may be a workable plan, but only if people can take pride in a private sector job.

If leaders want to nudge people off the government payroll, they must take every opportunit­y to show that entreprene­urs can offer a better job to their potential employees – ideally, a ‘good job’.

Good jobs

Only 24 per cent of people in MENA work a full-time job for an employer. That doesn’t necessaril­y mean only 24 per cent of residents in this region work – though it’s true that half of the Middle East is out of the workforce entirely – it means very few have good jobs.

Too few good jobs, obviously, is the whole problem. And it’s a snake that eats its own tail. Too few good jobs means too few engaged workers, which diminishes the network that connects people, companies and opportunit­y, thus hindering the creation of good jobs.

Ironically, it’ll take new government jobs to create these new, good jobs. GCC leaders must develop outreach programmes to teach business people and entreprene­urs how to build, grow and innovate. Schools will always need to help budding entreprene­urs reach their full potential.

Obviously, this is a culture change, and Middle Eastern business cultures are almost as old as civilizati­on itself. Old societies don’t always welcome new approaches. But there’s an aspect of traditiona­l Middle Eastern business culture that leaders can capitalise on: personal relationsh­ips.

Leaders at every level have tremendous influence over others – family members, friends and neighbours – and if they say government jobs may be comfortabl­e, but private sector jobs are meaningful, people will listen. These conduits need to be slightly repurposed, but they’re a resource that can grow the number of good jobs in the GCC.

The GCC doesn’t need private sector jobs; it needs good private sector jobs. Jobs in areas of growth, with managers who foster talent, engage workers and capitalise on the strengths of entreprene­urs. Jobs that make government work seem much less appealing.

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