Gulf News

The pressure of comfort

Grid failure was blamed on states consuming more than their allotted power quotas

- — AFP

Every evening before Indian executive Sushmita Rao leaves her Delhi office, she phones her maid to switch on the air conditione­r so her apartment is refreshing­ly cool when she arrives home.

“I work in an air-conditione­d office and I suffocate if my place isn’t cool,” said Rao, one of hundreds of millions of Indians who went without electricit­y in the world’s worst blackout.

The monster grid failure was blamed on greedy states consuming more than their allotted power quotas as they sought to meet spikes in demand.

Part of the demand surge comes from Indians adopting electricit­y-guzzling lifestyles which adds to the strain on the grid from industrial users and businesses in Asia’s third-largest economy.

“As India’s middle class broadens, there’s a heavier burden on energy demand as people buy appliances for a better quality of life,” Will Pearson, global energy analyst at London-based Eurasia Group, said.

Experts warn blackouts like those that knocked out power to one half of India’s 1.2 population last Monday and Tuesday, could be the way of the future unless the government fixes the creaking electricit­y sector.

“We’re growing through a major societal transforma­tion... we will need more and more power to fuel our industries, consumer goods, our malls, our offices,” said Arvind Singhal, chairman of leading retail consultanc­y Technopak.

“Unless planners recognise this, we’re going to see many more failures on the scale of the ones we saw.”

There are 470 million people in what global consultanc­y PwC calls the “emerging middle class” — those sandwiched between the lowest income group and the middle class.

Upwardly mobile

Though they earn modest sums, collective­ly they have large purchasing power, PwC says. The middle class numbers 160 million according to India’s National Council for Applied Economic Research — bigger than the population­s of Russia or Japan — and is seen rising to 267 million by 2016.

Air conditione­rs, microwave ovens, toasters and washing machines are possession­s that distinguis­h India’s upwardly mobile and have become increasing­ly available and afford- able since pro-market reforms of the 1990s. Consumer attitudes in India to air conditione­rs have “witnessed a paradigm shift” in recent years from luxury product to domestic necessity, consultanc­y TechSci noted, forecastin­g the AC market will expand annually by 14 per cent for the next five years.

Indian summers see the mercury rise above 50C in many areas, and these are followed by the sticky, humid monsoon season. Ad manager Rao is one of an increasing number of Indians who work in air-conditione­d offices, shop in airconditi­oned malls and dine in air-conditione­d restaurant­s.

Rao, who lives alone, says she has a washing machine — “it’s easier for my maid” — two TVs, air conditione­rs in every room, an entertainm­ent system, laptop, hairdryer and a host of other electronic devices.

“I use a lot of electricit­y but it’s my lifestyle — I like to be comfortabl­e,” she says.

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 ??  ?? Shining light on the matter An officer reads documents at the driving registrati­on and licence authority office during a power cut in Chandigarh.
Shining light on the matter An officer reads documents at the driving registrati­on and licence authority office during a power cut in Chandigarh. Reuters

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